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Nick Clegg's Pledge

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Clegg thinks he has got a taste of power now, and has shown he is willing to ditch all principles to cling on to it. I think there will be a few LibDem MPs who will be willing to stick to their election promises and vote against their leader's new policy, but probably not enough to bring Clegg down from his power-trip of the chance to be Deputy PM. He is, in my opinion, the worst leader of any party in my lifetime. Thatcher is a despicable person, but I think she stood up for her beliefs and I think the same about Cameron. Clegg, however, has abandoned everything he has ever said just for a chance to be in government. I know he said he would try to do a deal with whoever won most seats, but he did also say he would oppose a rise in VAT and a rise in student tuition fees. A deal could have been done without a formal coalition, but he has jumped at the opportunity for a seat in government rather than what he promised the voters.

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We are only a few months in to a 5 year agreement. There is along way to go yet.Tough decisions have to and will be made.

As one sees from the faces of the leaders that are in this for a long time, it is wearing and it is draining, but you have to stay with it and stick at it. Its the only way to sort out the mess.


Could you have squeezed any more platitudes into this post? I only counted 7.

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Could you have squeezed any more platitudes into this post? I only counted 7.


I can cope with the platitudes. The abandonment of principles and barefaced lies are harder to take.

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