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Nick Clegg's Pledge

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The way I see it, people enter politics because they want to make a difference - because their ideas and ideals are the best.

What is the point of obtaining office if you cannot follow your convictions?

Nick Clegg has become nothing more than an administrator - rubber stamping Tory policies.

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I'm sure he would understand that "sometimes you are not fully in control of all the things you need to deliver those pledges"....;)

The pledge was only to try.


"I pledge to vote against any increase in fees in the next parliament and to pressure the government to introduce a fairer alternative"


Nick Clegg

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Did you receive your education under Labour? Have another read. He's not broken the pledge / promise / message to the water god scratched on a stone and chucked in a puddle.



Yes he has. Why do you think he hasn't? He admitted it himself.


"We will resist, vote against, campaign against, any lifting of that cap"


His own words....I'm confused as to why you think him voting for a raising of the cap isn't opposite of what he said previously.


He has broken the pledge, and for you to deny it makes you look a bit a chump to be honest.

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He has broken the pledge, and for you to deny it makes you look a bit a chump to be honest.


Let's try a chump test to see who has the pedigree.

"I pledge to vote against any increase in fees in the next parliament and to pressure the government to introduce a fairer alternative"


Nick Clegg.


He hasn't broken the pledge. There has been no vote in Parliament as any chump should know.

But he's going to vote FOR an increase.


While you are about it could you outline what would be a fairer alternative?

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Let's try a chump test to see who has the pedigree.



He hasn't broken the pledge. There has been no vote in Parliament as any chump should know.


While you are about it could you outline what would be a fairer alternative?


So you are denying he is going to vote for it?

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