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Nick Clegg's Pledge

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And you know that he hasnt fought then?

How does anyone unless they are present at the cabinet meetings really know what goes on?


What never ceases to amaze me is that people deal in assumption, not fact most of the time.

Not many people who make comments actually know the person they are making comments about.


Because he hasnt won a battle, one assumes that a fight was not put up.????


There are many things that we would love to have, but that due to circumstances that we are in( UK debt due to hit 1.081 trillion by April 2011, divided up between every person in employment in the UK that amounts to more than £32,350 for each one), we have to make compromises and accept that we cant have everything our own way.



Hmmm seem as though he fought against tuition fees with the same vigour as he did for the loan to Sheffield Forgemasters (which he also said he supported before the election).

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And you know that he hasnt fought then?

How does anyone unless they are present at the cabinet meetings really know what goes on?


What never ceases to amaze me is that people deal in assumption, not fact most of the time.

Not many people who make comments actually know the person they are making comments about.


Because he hasnt won a battle, one assumes that a fight was not put up.????


I said something similar earlier in this thread.


But, just watching the Wright Stuff, and it almost came across that they (LibDems) could actually walk out. Yes they'd give up power, but they'd be true to their principles.


P.S. I'm glad they didn't and hope they don't, we can't afford another election. Also Labour ain't going to do any better!

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I said something similar earlier in this thread.


But, just watching the Wright Stuff, and it almost came across that they (LibDems) could actually walk out. Yes they'd give up power, but they'd be true to their principles.


P.S. I'm glad they didn't and hope they don't, we can't afford another election. Also Labour ain't going to do any better!


We are only a few months in to a 5 year agreement. There is along way to go yet.Tough decisions have to and will be made.

As one sees from the faces of the leaders that are in this for a long time, it is wearing and it is draining, but you have to stay with it and stick at it. Its the only way to sort out the mess.

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We are only a few months in to a 5 year agreement. There is along way to go yet.Tough decisions have to and will be made.

As one sees from the faces of the leaders that are in this for a long time, it is wearing and it is draining, but you have to stay with it and stick at it. Its the only way to sort out the mess.


My belt has been very tight for the last few months, I finally paid off my debts on Friday... It's been hard, i've had to make sacrifices (not starved, but not eaten properly for serious periods), but i'm there... I was thinking last night whilst having a slice of plastic cheese from a discount store, mmm, i'll soon be able to buy proper cheese again... oooh Grommit!

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And you know that he hasnt fought then?

How does anyone unless they are present at the cabinet meetings really know what goes on?


What never ceases to amaze me is that people deal in assumption, not fact most of the time.

Not many people who make comments actually know the person they are making comments about.


Because he hasnt won a battle, one assumes that a fight was not put up.????


There are many things that we would love to have, but that due to circumstances that we are in( UK debt due to hit 1.081 trillion by April 2011, divided up between every person in employment in the UK that amounts to more than £32,350 for each one), we have to make compromises and accept that we cant have everything our own way.


That's an interesting point, however to use to financial argument is unfair, as Clegg and everyone else know the state of the finances before the election, so if he didn't think the Lib Dems could afford to scrap tuition fees he had ample opportunities to say so before the election, though I can well understand why he didn't.


Clearly he fought for and won a the right for a vote on AV against Tory wishes. That was a basis of the coalition agreement, so perhaps he could have tried to get tuition fees included in there too if they were so important to the party? My fundamental problem is that he (and some Lib Dems) seem to have gone from a position of ideologically opposing fees, to one of supporting them because of what he believes in (using the economy as a justification) rather than voting for them with a peg on his nose.

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That's an interesting point, however to use to financial argument is unfair, as Clegg and everyone else know the state of the finances before the election, so if he didn't think the Lib Dems could afford to scrap tuition fees he had ample opportunities to say so before the election, though I can well understand why he didn't.


Clearly he fought for and won a the right for a vote on AV against Tory wishes. That was a basis of the coalition agreement, so perhaps he could have tried to get tuition fees included in there too if they were so important to the party? My fundamental problem is that he (and some Lib Dems) seem to have gone from a position of ideologically opposing fees, to one of supporting them because of what he believes in (using the economy as a justification) rather than voting for them with a peg on his nose.


Again, I am not convinced of this. I think they knew it was bad but just how bad is only really apparent when the devil is in the detail. Remember that often we only get to hear what the people who run the Country want us to hear.(That is the media by the way)

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My belt has been very tight for the last few months, I finally paid off my debts on Friday... It's been hard, i've had to make sacrifices (not starved, but not eaten properly for serious periods), but i'm there... I was thinking last night whilst having a slice of plastic cheese from a discount store, mmm, i'll soon be able to buy proper cheese again... oooh Grommit!


It'll be worth it.

Think of Camembert or Double Gloucester. You might even be able to stretch to a bottle of red wine to go with it!:thumbsup:

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