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Staving Off Cramps

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I have a tendency to get cramps in my calves while asleep. I have very muscular calves The pain is abominable. I seem to get them in hot weather. I went to the doctor who said to drink a glass of milk before going to bed and that seemed to work as they disappeared but another way to stop that killing pain when you feel it starting is to push the heel of the foot down hard and that brings the cramp to a dead stop.


Luckily my house is completely detached so no scared neighbours but it ruins my wife's beauty sleep

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Looking at footballers websites is a good start as cramp is a constant problem for them. This occurs because of the sweating action of the body losing around 2 litres over the period of a match.


Cramps occur because of the loss of salt in the sweat so increasing your sodium intake before and during sport help to stop the cramps.


Taking salt tablets will lead to liver problems so just increase intake by having a salty meal the day before like fish and chips and have healthy snacks like popcorn and pretzels.


Sports drinks contain a trace of salt so you could add half to one tea spoon per litre of water with 25% fruit juice for carbohydrates and sugars to make up your own isotonic drink.

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I get foot cramps and calf cramps and they are AGONY and Jabbers like you they tend to wait until I'm asleep.


The foot cramps are the worse when the toes go into spasm or the ankle does. I've found that bending my foot upwards and rubbing does seem to work.


It's worse though when you think you've got rid of it only to get back into that lovely warm snuggly bed and the blighters kick in again - Argh!!!


I've had Quinnine prescribed by the doctor which didn't really work but lately I've started drinking more water and have found that this does seem to be keeping the cramps at bay.


Also cut down on your salt intake.


I have them so bad bending toes up and stuff doesn't work on it's own. I find if I sit with my feet in warm bath water and bend toes up and rub calves eventually the muscles relax off and I don't get the big attack at the end of it.

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