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Is this the end of my marriage?

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I’m sorry about your circumstances. From some of the things you said (losing family and friends because of him) it sounds like he might be a controlling type of person. Controlling people have low self esteem and are likely to be moody, depressed and act irrationally, hurting those around them. Are you sure you want to be with someone like that?

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His actions are drastic, there must be a reason...





Not saying it you...


i think i know, he has started to think alot about his teenage years, the best years of his life so he says, when he was free and in his words buzzing off life! i think it must be a mid life crisis or something, especially when he is looking at younger girls then i am, i thought he would get over it but its got worse much worse like he hates me, he says he wants to revisit his teenage years and do things he did then, but im a grown women now and i dont, especially when i didnt even meet him till he was 21!

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A friend of mine went through this a couple of years ago. Her hubby seemed to change towards her too and he moved out & got a flat right out of the blue. She couldn't understand what had gone wrong. They'd been married nearly 20 years. Turned out he was severely depressed. He's now being treated for depression, moved back into the marital home and everything's now fine.

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I’m sorry about your circumstances. From some of the things you said (losing family and friends because of him) it sounds like he might be a controlling type of person. Controlling people have low self esteem and are likely to be moody, depressed and act irrationally, hurting those around them. Are you sure you want to be with someone like that?


tbh.. no i dont want to be with him the way he is now but im a strong believer that marriage is for life and its not something you should just give up on, although ive tried not to give up, he hasent and made it very obvious that this is the end of the road in his eyes, which is fine its his life but he has left me with NOTHING and im heartbroken that everything ive sacrificed and the years ive put in stuck by his side have all been for nothing.

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tbh.. no i dont want to be with him the way he is now but im a strong believer that marriage is for life and its not something you should just give up on, although ive tried not to give up, he hasent and made it very obvious that this is the end of the road in his eyes, which is fine its his life but he has left me with NOTHING and im heartbroken that everything ive sacrificed and the years ive put in stuck by his side have all been for nothing.


Get straight to citizens advice or a lawyer, you've got rights.

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Hang on a minute - looking at your other posts, it seems that you have children.

If so, there is NO WAY he can just throw you out....


he wont let me take the kids, he says i have no where to go so the kids should stay with him.


the house is a council house under his name only.

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You married so surely you entitled to half ?? Have you got friends or family to stay with ? Check out Shelter website they have loads of advice on housing , homelessness and you rights regards marriage breakdown and your home. I know Howells solicitors use to do a initial free hour meeting go and see them.

Also CAB might be able to point you in right direction.


Would he go for relationship counseling ?


Please get some advice before you move out cause you will more of leg to stand on.


Good luck

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This is awful- feel really bad for you.

Its easy for other people to give objective advice but when your still emotionally attached to the situation its a lot harder to follow through with it.


Hope you find a solution, first step is to talk about it. Last resort is to get a solicitor and protect yourself, 9 years is enough to get a good result.

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