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Is this the end of my marriage?

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This is awful- feel really bad for you.

Its easy for other people to give objective advice but when your still emotionally attached to the situation its a lot harder to follow through with it.


Hope you find a solution, first step is to talk about it. Last resort is to get a solicitor and protect yourself, 9 years is enough to get a good result.


believe me ive tried talking to him numerous times, all i get is abuse and something thrown at me so ive gave up on that one.

he says if i dont go he will make me go so it looks like im going.

i will tell you honestly what i think... i will go and next week i will find another women here, i place my bets on that!

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Hi just got this off shelter website


"am married or in a civil partnership


If you are married or in a civil partnership with someone who is an owner or tenant, you have home rights. 'Home rights' is a legal term that generally means that you can live in your home as if you were the owner or tenant "

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his... i havent got anything not even a penny to scratch my own backside with.
he cant just throw you out without a court order you have rights ,as others have said see a solicitor he/she will give you the best advice on how to procede


after 9 years you will be entitled to half the house i believe,if you have children then you need to apply for a residency order ,the court may decide its your husband that has to leave

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Do NOT leave your home, tell him to leave if he wants "space".


See a solicitor ASAP, most solicitors will offer you an initial half hour appointment for free.


You don't have to leave your home, and if he leaves he has to support you financially if the children stay with you.

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As said, go to a solicitor NOW. That is wrong, if he is so bothered he should get out. Sounds like he is either a nasty piece of work, mentally ill or both



At least it will give you some dignity and power back and make him realise that you cant be bullied like that- these things sometimes get settled out of court (a solicitor isnt cheap).


Make sure you take that first step though and make an appointment today (Ashton morton slack are good and will kick arse- although other solicitors are available!).



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There's loads of no win, no fee solicitors out there...


True, true, but when the dusts settled and you go through the whole divorce proceedings they will take a large slice of the pie regardless, so an amicable agreement is always preferred.

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