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What was your first job and where ?


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Saturday job at Dawsons' selling material - lasted one day after which Mr D himself said I'd never make a sales lady. He was right, and rude. Graduated to Saturday work at Woolworths - loved the card counter at Christmas.

Forty years on I'm a novelist and teacher, so old Dawson, bless him, was absolutely right.

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It was 1973 and my mum came home and said to me "I've got you a Saturday job you start in 3 days" I did't even know I wanted one!! Anyway it was in the corner or fish market in a cafe, 8.30am - 5pm every Saturday for £1.50 and extra days in school holidays.


First "proper" job was at Bradford Woollen Company on West Bar for £9.50 per week £5 of which was given to mum for board, then some saved for bus fares and lunches then rest was mine I felt rich for a few days. I worked in reception and then in cash office there.

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EXCHANGE STREET.I worked further up the st at E WESTONS & SONS.


Yes Exchange st, lovely big old building, my job was in the warehouse filling orders for the salesmen to pick up, we had to go down to the second floor to fill in some perfume orders, the woman in charge ther was a witch, big brown teeth, they put her dept behind a curtain to hide her as they had some walk-in customers too. Few years on I joined the W.R.A.C.s stayed in there 3 years.

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All depends on what you mean by first "job." Going through school and univ., I worked at whatever I could find. Delivering newspapers, Christmas mail, Saturdays in a Furniture store, cloakroom at the Embassy Ballroom, Express Dairy on Broadfield Rd., building sites too numerous to mention, dustbins. After I finished my univ education, I couldn't get a job that fitted my qualifications so I worked at a small tool manufacturing firm just off the bottom of the Moor. I spent my days dipping bolts one by one into a bucket of molten plastic, then setting them aside to dry. Wish I could remember what that firm was called.


Then, I left for Canada.

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Worked for Inland Revenue between school & uni, found a scary file about a relative, never said a thing 'cos had to sign The Act. Proper job, after uni, teaching in a secondary school in Berkshire, loathed it, was so bored, moved to Warwickshire & had a whale of a time working for Hilton Hotels.

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It was 1973 and my mum came home and said to me "I've got you a Saturday job you start in 3 days" I did't even know I wanted one!! Anyway it was in the corner or fish market in a cafe, 8.30am - 5pm every Saturday for £1.50 and extra days in school holidays.


First "proper" job was at Bradford Woollen Company on West Bar for £9.50 per week £5 of which was given to mum for board, then some saved for bus fares and lunches then rest was mine I felt rich for a few days. I worked in reception and then in cash office there.



An old girlfriends dad worked there around that time in the carpet dept.

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