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For or Against 7/7 bus mural

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Mawkish, for one. Secondly, as Classic Rock says , Morbid imagery.


and, surprisingly, thirdly, I agree with mjscuba's comment about it not making people think about faith.


(oh, and I liked his sentiment about depicting the bombers being dragged to hell, as well) - sorry, mj has that surprised you?

The one you couldnt say about it is feeble and of course its morbid..durr, it represents the death of people and their ensuing salvation,it also represents the victory of the Christian god over the extremist muslim thinking that suicide bombers become martyrs and ascend to heaven condemning their victims to hell.

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The one you couldnt say about it is feeble and of course its morbid..durr, it represents the death of people and their ensuing salvation,it also represents the victory of the Christian god over the extremist muslim thinking that suicide bombers become martyrs and ascend to heaven condemning their victims to hell.
well put :thumbsup:
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I think that there is a tendancy towards regarding victims of terrorism or other high profile causes of death as "public property" while we rightly show reverence towards the relatives of people who suffered less high profile deaths.


Threads relating to deaths on here rightly often have mods making reminderes that loved ones may be reading so show respect...why should the victims of terrorism be afforded less privacy and respect than those who die in less high-profile manners?


Behind 7/7 and any terrorist attrocity their are families, kids, siblings, parents who have lost so without their agreement I'd be very cautious about making art from their loss.

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care to elaborate why?


Because it cheapens the memory of those who are still in pain. Not everyone is a religious nutter.


Perhaps if the artist is showing the victims being guided to heaven by angels, he should also have considered illustrating demons dragging the bomber to the depths of hell.


Further demonstrating that religion is credible and cynically using victims as the vehicle.


I suppose some would call it tacky but why vile ?


Because it represents religion...or do you think one religion is ok and the other isn't?


The one you couldnt say about it is feeble and of course its morbid..durr, it represents the death of people and their ensuing salvation,it also represents the victory of the Christian god over the extremist muslim thinking that suicide bombers become martyrs and ascend to heaven condemning their victims to hell.


My bold


Ensuing salvation????? I take it you're a religious fanatic?



It represents religion in it's vilest form. It gives credence to religion. The "Art" is nothing more than a propaganda tool. These peoples lives were ripped apart by people using religion. The West, the East both use religion to further their cause.


Yeah yeah it all looks pretty mushy to the brain dead who think everything is hunky dory now that the little cherubs are leading the victims to the right hand of God. I just wish people would grow up and see it for what it is, a load of sentimental tosh. Give the victims and their families a break instead of ramming this religious crud down their throats.

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The one you couldnt say about it is feeble and of course its morbid..durr, it represents the death of people and their ensuing salvation,it also represents the victory of the Christian god over the extremist muslim thinking that suicide bombers become martyrs and ascend to heaven condemning their victims to hell.


well put :thumbsup:


You're not going for a double act are you? You're preaching the same crud as was preached to the terrorists.


To me, to you:hihi:

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Because it cheapens the memory of those who are still in pain. Not everyone is a religious nutter.




Further demonstrating that religion is credible and cynically using victims as the vehicle.




Because it represents religion...or do you think one religion is ok and the other isn't?




My bold


Ensuing salvation????? I take it you're a religious fanatic?



It represents religion in it's vilest form. It gives credence to religion. The "Art" is nothing more than a propaganda tool. These peoples lives were ripped apart by people using religion. The West, the East both use religion to further their cause.


Yeah yeah it all looks pretty mushy to the brain dead who think everything is hunky dory now that the little cherubs are leading the victims to the right hand of God. I just wish people would grow up and see it for what it is, a load of sentimental tosh. Give the victims and their families a break instead of ramming this religious crud down their throats.

No Im not a religious fanatic Im looking at it from a neutral point of view and putting words to pictures.Im sorry if Iv offended you but 7/7 happened and that is a fact ,I sympathise with the families but this act as 9/11 should never be swept under the carpet like it or not, its no use burying your head in the sand and hoping that these idiots are just going to go away,they are not and the sooner you and the other "couldnt care less" on here step up to the plate and face that maybe,just maybe pulling together ,something can be done.

Its the likes of you and all the others that give the BNP a reason to state what they do,there never going to do anything but whilst ever they are there nobody is,simply because they are scared of being associated with them and being labelled racist by people who havent got the foggiest idea whats going on...Wake up and take the blinkers off

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I don't like it much, but I think those suggesting it shouldn't have been done are off their rockers.

Equally, Noddy's claim that it represents ''the victory of the Christian god over the extremist muslim'' is, in my view, pretty ridiculous, but then art is like that isn't it - people make of it what they will. Noddy's as much right to read it like that as I have to say I think it's rather tacky and of little artistic merit.

The problem with all of this is the notion that it 'shouldn't have been done'. It's akin to censorship.

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The one you couldnt say about it is feeble and of course its morbid..durr, it represents the death of people and their ensuing salvation,it also represents the victory of the Christian god over the extremist muslim thinking that suicide bombers become martyrs and ascend to heaven condemning their victims to hell.


Steady on fellow, you did ask what people thought of it...


I can see how you might come to the conclusion re the Christian aspect, particularly given the style which looks typical of old Churches in Italy...but I don't think the artist was being that sophisticated tbh and just wanted to create something controversial to gain publicity for their exhibition of something. Also, we don't know the religions of the people killed, were they all Christian?

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