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Hampton Road Sheffield 1930 - 1950's


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Someone pmd me with the name of the resisdent who lived at No 19....William Fairbourne.............tell ya what im gonna go there this afternoon and see if he is still there.....I know Bernard who lives further up the street is still aroound i may call on him as well..................not promising anything tho but i will try.


OMG im so excited, just think we may have it all sewn up today, it is so kind of you to help. A recap


I have proof with "new" war records from ancestry that he was awarded a medal for service ( 11.10.45 - 12.4.46) orders under which awarded 17/12/51

It also states on the record, he was born in Sheffield abt 1925 and died in 2005. Permanent address posted up the page.

Grenadier Guards 1st Batt support corp ( Communications )

But needing people to remember Leonard Ernest ???? died Smith. There is a addressed envelope to him 1941 "back of " 34 Hampton Road. it does state from records that Claxton's lived at 36, as "nannie Claxton" im assuming is Jessie, was a leonard E born, to one of their children and Jessie was the great grandmother, its all very sketchy, but hopefully someone will remember.


Im so excited, thank you so much for going out of your way to try and find any info, god this is very strange, over 30 years my friend has been searching, and looks like we are getting there now. Thank you again for all your help ;-) I will be sat on the edge of my seat waiting lol ;-) xxx

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I am still looking for proof -


who were Leonard E Smith parents? It is looking that maybe Jessie & William Claxton are?


But will only know for definate, if we get people talking, as records can only show you so much.


Come on all you people from the Hampton Road / Wheldrake Road areas - lets get asking the older generation who they remember, it may jog some peoples memories.


Thanks everyone for your imput so far, it is really appreciated ;-)x

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Just a bit of Claxton information in case it is of any interest. The 1942 Kelly's Directory shows "William Claxton, pensioner" at 36 Hampton Road (and "John Grime, stamper" at No 34).


Going back to the 1911 census, only two "Sheffield" (i.e. not Ecclesall Bierlow) people are listed with the name William Claxton. They were father and son, born 1867 and 1896 and living at 3 Wincobank Avenue at that time. A William Claxton married a Jessie Smith in Sheffield in 1928. They evidently a son Walter, born 1929.


A Leonard Claxton (no middle name or initial given) was born in Sheffield in 1927, his mother's maiden name being given also as Claxton (and so possibly illegitimate - no Claxton-Claxton marriage is listed).


Hi Hillsbro


I think i have found the death cert for both the Williams, showing one in 46' and the other in 1966.


The Leonard born in 1927, looks like he also died in 1932, I know the mmn Claxton threw me, as this would have surely been Smith.


I feel the Jessie that married William - looks as if it was snr, with them living in the same household - but feel it was JNR, same age group.


So why wasn't young William showing as living in any of Hampton Roads listings - as he didn't die intil 1966.


It was Claxton SNR until his death in 1946


Then a MRS Claxton, was she his daughter in law? or his wife?


This is very complicated lol ;-) Hope I haven't confused you too much lol ;-) x

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Hi dawnci1 - yes, the death entries seem to be the correct ones. I would guess that William snr. moved from Wheldrake Road to Hampton Road some time between 1925 and 1942. William jnr. evidently married Jessie in 1928. Kelly's only shows the householder, and they may all have lived together. The next directory I have after 1942 is 1968; this was after William jnr's death, and by which time Colin Raybould was the householder at No 36.


It seems that to get any further we either need personal memories of Hampton Road folk, or Leonard's surname as in indexes etc. No Leonard E. Smith is registered as having been born in the area at around the right time, and the only Leonard Claxton was of course the one who died aged 5.

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Hi dawnci1 - yes, the death entries seem to be the correct ones. I would guess that William snr. moved from Wheldrake Road to Hampton Road some time between 1925 and 1942. William jnr. evidently married Jessie in 1928. Kelly's only shows the householder, and they may all have lived together. The next directory I have after 1942 is 1968; this was after William jnr's death, and by which time Colin Raybould was the householder at No 36.


It seems that to get any further we either need personal memories of Hampton Road folk, or Leonard's surname as in indexes etc. No Leonard E. Smith is registered as having been born in the area at around the right time, and the only Leonard Claxton was of course the one who died aged 5.


Hi Hillsbro


Info I have


Hampton Road


1936 no 36 William Claxton - Forgeman

1944 no 36 William Claxton - Pensioner

1948 no 36 Mrs Claxton ( why not young William - had they divorced? )

1951 no 36 Walpole

1954 no 36 Wildbore Albert


1934 no 34 John Merry - Steel Worker ( looked this one up because of address - back of 34 )

1951 no 34 Jn Grime - Stamper

1954 no 34 Jn Grime


Then i have the 1968, from what you have put ;-)


My friend only remembers visiting a "nannie" Claxton, there was no husband around and that would have been late 40's early 50's, but we can see that William JNR didn't die until 1966, but he is not showing as living at either address, after William Snr died, it just goes to a Mrs Claxton, shame it doesn't show her maiden name, to know if this was Jessie.


I think you're right, about needing personal memories of Hampton Road, or even Wheldrake Road neighbours, to know who is who.


I also found a Derrick Claxton, 9 Sundown Road S13 - (1954 ) Think he is child of young Williams brother Percy ( Looks like there were two brothers also, from my family tree, but cant say for definate, but does say MMN Smith, which all ties in ;-)


Also in the same area- ish Albert Claxton 55 Lynmouth Road S7 (1954)Builder.

Not sure of the connection though.


I do appreciate all your help, thanx again for checking things out, but sadly I dont think we are going to get much further without, personal memories ;-(


I cant really think of what else to do, can u ?


Best Wishes Dawn ;-) x

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William senior's wife Adelaide had died in 1922, and it seems likely that the Mrs Claxton in directories after 1944 would be Jessie (she died in 1987). This would also have been "nannie" Claxton, though it raises the question as to where William was. It's really "over to the Hampton Road people"!

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William senior's wife Adelaide had died in 1922, and it seems likely that the Mrs Claxton in directories after 1944 would be Jessie (she died in 1987). This would also have been "nannie" Claxton, though it raises the question as to where William was. It's really "over to the Hampton Road people"!


Hi Hillsbro


Thanx again for all your help


I have got listings for the following years - with the people living there

1929 - 30 36 Hampton Road


William Claxton

Jessie Claxton

Ada Claxton

Arthur Claxton


and a load more, also stating other people that live there, I can post if you want, but the main thing is that i think the William is actually the senior one, as Ada and Arthur were both children or the William SNR and his first wife Adelaide that died in 1922. I also know that the Leonard Claxton born 1927 MMN Claxton and died age 5 in 1932, the mother on the cert is actually Ada.


So the marriage Claxton - Smith could have been William SNR, we wouldn't actually know until we purchase the cert.


This is getting worse lol, but thanks for your imput, just thought i would keep u upto date, as well as the others that have posted.


Maybe E-lectric, will come up with something, if they managed to visit the street.


Calling Hampton Road - Please Help ;-)

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Thanks for that Retep, we wasn't aware of Leonard having any siblings, but this looks very promising so thank you so much, Woo Hoo, I cant believe how much info we are gathering - at last thanx everyone ;-) xxx


Did you get anywhere with Walters phone number.

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