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Outdoor PE in cold weather

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Hi - I teach Year 1 (ages 5 and 6 ) and we do PE outside if we can (but not in the current weather conditions) but we ask that children have tracksuits or similar and trainers to keep them warm. If they don't I let them keep uniform on or wear coats etc. They are moving about constantly and soon get warm (more so than they can do in the very small hall). I have to say that it is much easier to get them in tracksuits for PE than to persuade them to put their coats on at playtime and lunchtime (don't even mention how they object to wearing their gloves, scarves and hats). I am also a parent so see it from both sides and would not take them out on an exceptionally cold day but I think you have to hear the number of excuses they try for saying they do not have jumper/ coat/hat etc when you can clearly see it on their coat peg. Thinking back I was the same although older, I would refuse to go to school in a coat then tell teachers I couldn't go out because I didn't have a coat! Having said all that if you are really concerned, you should speak to the teacher for reassurance.

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well after having a child that died of cot death maybe i am wrapping up my son in cotton wool but better be safe than sorry if he gets a bad cough or cold i keep him wrapped up warm there are different kinds of pnumonia bacterial and viral and some people are more prone to re occuring attacks when being ill with colds flu and chest infections. i am not name calling i have no objections to my daughter doing p.e she's 11yrs old and her own immune system is good

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we did cross country in all weathers back in the 60s-70s...we was hard as nails then


You have major spelling and grammar issues. "we was" don't you mean "we were" EVEN YOUR NAME IS SPELT INCORRECTLY, "spritulist" don't you mean, "SPIRITUALIST"...! Geeeez..! some people....!

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You have major spelling and grammar issues. "we was" don't you mean "we were" EVEN YOUR NAME IS SPELT INCORRECTLY, "spritulist" don't you mean, "SPIRITUALIST"...! Geeeez..! some people....!


You have a major attitude problem, pedants are not welcome.


Jeeeez, some people.:gag::gag:.

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