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Outdoor PE in cold weather

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A note to excuse him from PE because it's cold? Surely that's a direct route to having the other kids point, laugh and/or stab your special snowflake with pointy sticks; you know how kind children can be...


Won't you think of the children Hecate?



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Used to love playing football in the snow at school. Once caught a very bad cold/flu from it i reckon. Just showered and was walking hime from school, got halway down the road and felt terribel, only just made it home before collapsing. Spent 2 weeks in bed being sick and couldn't even sit up

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Used to love playing football in the snow at school. Once caught a very bad cold/flu from it i reckon. Just showered and was walking hime from school, got halway down the road and felt terribel, only just made it home before collapsing. Spent 2 weeks in bed being sick and couldn't even sit up


I suffered a similar onset of sudden illness in the snow, but put it down to having seconds of Spam Fritters :hihi:

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You call creating a generation who don't do things because they're hard or inconvenient progress? Why is it stupid or cruel to ensure children have a decent level of fitness and also the stones to say "It's a bit cold but best get cracked on"?


Far better to have a generation who are only good for putting dents in beanbags and getting to level 9875 on their Xstation 360 as they brush the wotsit's dust off of their ever swelling man boobs.


Children get plenty of activity during breaks etc. The issue here is forcing a 5 year old to do half an hour a week of (unnecessary) exercise outside.

Do you really think that stopping this on a few VERY COLD DAYS of the year will produce man-boobs?

As for the Xstation 360 crack, why aren't you outside getting exercise instead of sitting at your computer?

Doesn't look like all the running around you did as a child has inspired you not to sit playing with technology!

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Won't you think of the children Hecate?



Oh, I am. Especially the ones growing up to brush Wotsits dust off their ever-swelling man boobs :hihi: .


I can't imagine even the most closeted sadist of PE teachers these days getting away with having the little infants shivering around the sports field blue-legged in their shorts in a blizzard. But once they're old enough to get some benefit from aerobic exercise, I say get the little buggers running round Norfolk Park. That'll soon warm them up. It never did me any harm either, especially as I used to hop on the bus back to school as soon as I was out of the teacher's sight :D .

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Children get plenty of activity during breaks etc. The issue here is forcing a 5 year old to do half an hour a week of (unnecessary) exercise outside.

Do you really think that stopping this on a few VERY COLD DAYS of the year will produce man-boobs?

As for the Xstation 360 crack, why aren't you outside getting exercise instead of sitting at your computer?

Doesn't look like all the running around you did as a child has inspired you not to sit playing with technology!



Unnecessary? How is exercise ever so? The reason we have poor co-ordination, obesity and poor social skills because kids are inside exercising their thumbs while nose deep in turkey twizzlers rather than burning it off outside.


I get plenty of exercise and as a grown up I can temper my moments of indolence with my moments of activity. You can join me for my run later if you like :)

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I can just see the future for these kids


"Dear Mr Ferguson

Our Johnny can't play on Saturday in the Champions League Final as it's a little cold for running aound in shorts and a long sleeved shirt and there's snow forecast

Kind regards

Mr & Mrs Haven't Got A Clue."

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Unnecessary? How is exercise ever so? The reason we have poor co-ordination, obesity and poor social skills because kids are inside exercising their thumbs while nose deep in turkey twizzlers rather than burning it off outside.


I get plenty of exercise and as a grown up I can temper my moments of indolence with my moments of activity. You can join me for my run later if you like :)


It's unnecessary to do it outside in VERY COLD WEATHER!!!!.

I'll pass on the run thanks. Had enough of that at school:gag:

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I was just writing that i thought it was bad until I read Northern Stars post, made me realise that most posts are right, when i was at school no matter how cold it was we were in t-shirts and PE skirts, and when we complained it was cold - we were told to jog around the school yard. To my knowledge although Im sure someone will tell me im wrong, no-one suffered anything serious because of this.


I think we are in danger of raising a society of weaker children, but can that be helped when "Danger" is highlighted everywhere? who can blame us for being paranoid about all the potential dangers out there, and Im the first one to hold my hand up of being guilty of being an over protective parent - Time to get the boots, hats, scarves and wellies out and off for a play in the snow.


Although Im goin to be stubborn and say for very young children they should be kept inside.

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