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Outdoor PE in cold weather

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Chaucer school, 1974, winter.


It had snowed heavily all week and again in the night and none of the kids bothered to bring PE kit because we were sure that the lesson would be cancelled. Mr Hardy, the teacher went mad and made us play rugby in two feet deep snow in our underpants.


I remember standing there in the snow in my Y fronts, watching the thrown ball burrow into the snow and dreading having to dig it out.


A few days later I played truant, went to Dam flask and for a dare, swam the widest bit. It was snowing and bloody freezing but I would rather look back on memories like that than sit on my seat and remember how I stayed in the warm and played on my Playstation or whatever they have nowadays.


Kids need a bit of a rough time, they grow up pathetic if theyre coddled non stop.

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Chaucer school, 1974, winter.


It had snowed heavily all week and again in the night and none of the kids bothered to bring PE kit because we were sure that the lesson would be cancelled. Mr Hardy, the teacher went mad and made us play rugby in two feet deep snow in our underpants.


Pity the poor bugger who was displaying a road map of skiddies :hihi:

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Unnecessary? How is exercise ever so? The reason we have poor co-ordination, obesity and poor social skills because kids are inside exercising their thumbs while nose deep in turkey twizzlers rather than burning it off outside.


I get plenty of exercise and as a grown up I can temper my moments of indolence with my moments of activity. You can join me for my run later if you like :)


RIP Bernard....oh sorry, wrong thread! :blush:

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Chaucer school, 1974, winter.


It had snowed heavily all week and again in the night and none of the kids bothered to bring PE kit because we were sure that the lesson would be cancelled. Mr Hardy, the teacher went mad and made us play rugby in two feet deep snow in our underpants.


I remember standing there in the snow in my Y fronts, watching the thrown ball burrow into the snow and dreading having to dig it out.


A few days later I played truant, went to Dam flask and for a dare, swam the widest bit. It was snowing and bloody freezing but I would rather look back on memories like that than sit on my seat and remember how I stayed in the warm and played on my Playstation or whatever they have nowadays.


Kids need a bit of a rough time, they grow up pathetic if theyre coddled non stop.


Haha Good old Mr Hardy, remember him well, was before my time but i can def imagine him doing that

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I was just writing that i thought it was bad until I read Northern Stars post, made me realise that most posts are right, when i was at school no matter how cold it was we were in t-shirts and PE skirts, and when we complained it was cold - we were told to jog around the school yard. To my knowledge although Im sure someone will tell me im wrong, no-one suffered anything serious because of this.


I think we are in danger of raising a society of weaker children, but can that be helped when "Danger" is highlighted everywhere? who can blame us for being paranoid about all the potential dangers out there, and Im the first one to hold my hand up of being guilty of being an over protective parent - Time to get the boots, hats, scarves and wellies out and off for a play in the snow.


Although Im goin to be stubborn and say for very young children they should be kept inside.


The OP was about young children in very cold weather and all we have are reminiscences of hockey and cross-country running that are done by senior school children.

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The OP was about young children in very cold weather and all we have are reminiscences of hockey and cross-country running that are done by senior school children.


Sorry i didnt think the OP had mentioned the ages, but the running round the yard was done in my primary school - in my senior it was the field we ran around - didnt complain, much further to run.


But still going to stick to my guns even if no-one agrees, think for infant & junior school age there should be a temperature limit, after all there are many sport activities that can be done inside so childrens sport and fitness wouldnt be affected, and since most junior schools these days dont have a dedicated sports teacher, im sure the class teachers would appreciate it more.

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