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Outdoor PE in cold weather

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Sorry i didnt think the OP had mentioned the ages, but the running round the yard was done in my primary school - in my senior it was the field we ran around - didnt complain, much further to run.


But still going to stick to my guns even if no-one agrees, think for infant & junior school age there should be a temperature limit, after all there are many sport activities that can be done inside so childrens sport and fitness wouldnt be affected, and since most junior schools these days dont have a dedicated sports teacher, im sure the class teachers would appreciate it more.


Poor kiddies are going to grow up whimps aren't they.

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Poor kiddies are going to grow up whimps aren't they.


I must admit I am torn on this post, part of me wants to shout NO WAY and wrap my child up in more cotton wool & the other part belongs to the it didnt do me any harm brigade, im just trying to be diplomatic (unsuccessfully) by suggesting an age/temperature limit, but reckon im digging my hole even deeper.

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Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

As long as parents are sending their children to school with suitable outdoor PE clothing I dont see why a child at any age shouldn't take part in PE outside during cold weather, unless its dangerous ie icy ground.


If the teacher teaches a good quality lesson the children wont be waiting around in the cold but enjoying the fresh air and the break from being stuck inside all day.

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Although you do the same top others.

As I stated you have an attitude problem.

You are also boring.


And you are clearly very unhappy with your life to engage in such insults when you haven't even met me. I do hope you haven't any children, you sound like the kind of bully who would cherish some easy targets to take out your repressed anger on, honestly... you really should calm down and not take life so seriously, if you haven't already had a heart attack, I will guarantee you one within the next few years.... calm down dear, its only a forum.... poor thing..hehehehehehee

Edited by rfs-001
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And you are clearly very unhappy with your life to engage in such insults when you haven't even met me. I do hope you haven't any children, you sound like the kind of bully who would cherish some easy targets to take out your repressed anger on, honestly... you really should calm down and not take life so seriously, if you haven't already had a heart attack, I will guarantee you one within the next few years.... calm down dear, its only a forum.... poor thing..hehehehehehee


"I", Should not take things seriously.:roll::roll:.

Your only contribution is to pick on someones spelling.:gag:.

Have you read that rant of yours?.:roll::roll:.


Chill out lunatic and try posting on topic.


From your posts I think you are up yourself, live with it.:hihi::hihi:.[/size]


You are the one ranting :hihi:.

Edited by alex3659
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