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Outdoor PE in cold weather

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I thought it was cruel when I had to do it, I thought it was cruel when my child had to do it, I think it's cruel now my grandchildren are doing it and ,until PE teachers get a life and realise that not all of us are Fatima Whitbread wannabees, it will continue to be cruel

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I thought it was cruel when I had to do it, I thought it was cruel when my child had to do it, I think it's cruel now my grandchildren are doing it and ,until PE teachers get a life and realise that not all of us are Fatima Whitbread wannabees, it will continue to be cruel


i thought maths was cruel cos i hated it and didnt want to be a mathmetician, but i wasnt allowed to pick and choose which bits of the curriculum i did.


a bit of cold doesnt make the world stop turning. the country doesnt shut down for the winter months, unless it snows when im sure that the outdoor PE will also cease (probably cos the school would be shut anyway).


sounds like there's a lack of compromise between the school and the parents.

i see no reason why allowing the kids to wrap up a bit warmer wouldnt solve it?

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I don't care about my kids being soft as long as they don't get pneumonia.


You can't get pneumonia by being out in the cold.


We used to accasionally do PE outside in winter. Worst case I recall, playing rugby in the snow. Unlike the PE kit you mentioned, we could only wear a t-shirt and shorts. It didn't hurt me and I am still here today to tell the story.

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I thought it was cruel when I had to do it, I thought it was cruel when my child had to do it, I think it's cruel now my grandchildren are doing it and ,until PE teachers get a life and realise that not all of us are Fatima Whitbread wannabees, it will continue to be cruel


I actually wish that my PE teachers had pushed me more!! I was full of excuses at school (forgotten inhalers etc...) and they mostly left me be. As an adult I've found that I LOVE exercise and sport! I am a stronger person, both physically mentally, because of the sports I do and wish I'd experienced the benefits earlier in life.

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We had to do cross country in the winter months, and run through a RIVER!!! :gag: not just a little stream either, the main river that runs through the Hope Valley.


I dont think it does kids any harm, if they are really doing P.E then its by definition physical and therefore they should warm up rather rapidly, I certainly think if I was let outside in me leggings and Tee-shirt I'd want to run around to warm up.

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Wonder what the staff are wearing during outdoor PE - normal clothes, winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves probably.


I agree that if kids are running around and being active then yes, they do warm up quickly. However, they should be allowed to have arms and legs covered (ie tracksuit). Once they warm up then at least they can take layers off.


The problem is that people assume a PE lesson involved the kids being active the whole time - far from it. Alot of the games are team games. How much running around do you do if playing rounders - not that much. 30 kids cant play netball all at once so some hang around waiting for their turn etc etc.


When the snow does come we dont see people sending kids out to play in shorts and tee-shirts do we. Nothing more physical for kids than sledging and snowballing but its just commen sense to be covered in cold weather, isnt it??

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They're outside doing physical work, the harder they work the warmer they'll find it. I dont remember particularly liking the cold days at school either doing cross country across sand dunes and the beach but I got on with it.


As long as there's no risk of danger involved I'd tell my kids to get on with it as if they grow up not having to do things they dont like the idea of theyre not going to get very far past the dole queue.

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i think if its to cold for the teachers to wear the same little shorts and t shirts as the kids then its too cold, it annoys me to death when you see the kids freezing in shorts and t shirts and the teacher is stood there coats gloves and scarves. At my daughters school they can wear jogging suits for outdoor pe

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