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Outdoor PE in cold weather

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Its never bothered my 3 children. But we go out in all weathers anyway so they are used to it. We only go to the coast in the winter (coz I have a big fear of wasps) its fab walking on the front wind blowing ur head off and then numb from the neck down. All part of the fun :)

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i thought maths was cruel cos i hated it and didnt want to be a mathmetician, but i wasnt allowed to pick and choose which bits of the curriculum i did.


a bit of cold doesnt make the world stop turning. the country doesnt shut down for the winter months, unless it snows when im sure that the outdoor PE will also cease (probably cos the school would be shut anyway).


sounds like there's a lack of compromise between the school and the parents.

i see no reason why allowing the kids to wrap up a bit warmer wouldnt solve it?


I hated maths ... yes, very cruel. :gag:

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Wonder what the staff are wearing during outdoor PE - normal clothes, winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves probably.


They tend to stay stationary whilst teaching/coaching, of course theyre going to need extra layers.


I agree that if kids are running around and being active then yes, they do warm up quickly. However, they should be allowed to have arms and legs covered (ie tracksuit). Once they warm up then at least they can take layers off.


What good's a hoody/tracksuit when it's raining? They're much less comfortable and not designed for exercising in, nevermind the furore we'd get if schools told parents that every kid needs to buy a full tracksuit just to wear between the changing rooms and field to be taken off before warm ups.


The problem is that people assume a PE lesson involved the kids being active the whole time - far from it. Alot of the games are team games. How much running around do you do if playing rounders - not that much. 30 kids cant play netball all at once so some hang around waiting for their turn etc etc.


How often do you play rounders in December?? Teachers are well aware that kids need to be more active on the colder days and shouldnt have them standing around much if at all. 30 kids can play netball fine if you break it down into smaller games, primary school PE shouldnt need to use full game activities as it doesnt do enough to develop skills.


When the snow does come we dont see people sending kids out to play in shorts and tee-shirts do we. Nothing more physical for kids than sledging and snowballing but its just commen sense to be covered in cold weather, isnt it??


There's a massive difference in a cold day and a playground covered in snow. For a start you cant do PE on it as kids dont have appropriate footwear, secondly you lose a lot more body heat when in contact with snow than you would with the floor/rain on a cold day. Although, I have played sports in snow and we didnt need to add any more layers.

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I'm afraid I'm with everybody else. We never got to wear leggings- it was a pair of shorts or hockey skirt with our t-shirt and they both matched our blue legs and arms perfectly in weather such as we have right now.


We played hockey on our gravel pitch from September to April, no matter the weather and even if we had to participate in clearing the snow off the lines to see where they were before starting.


Apart from being a bit chilly my only issue was the cold air causing asthma attacks. Everybody just got on with it.


too right their..we had the old black plimsoles,shorts and tee shirts then and a we had to wear short trowsers all year round.....

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They should be thankful for the leggings! We had to wear *GASP* gym knickers!!!


Personally though I agree with what they're saying on the news at the mo about PE being rubbish. When I was at school it was mostly standing around waiting to bat a ball, batting the ball, getting out then standing around again until the end of the lesson.


The focus should be taken away from stupid games for children that aren't interested. Some proper exercise routines would be better because most children could do it, everyone would get exercise and it'd keep them warm better than standing about waiting to not be picked for a team haha!

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When do you think it is too cold for small children to do outdoor PE? Yesterday my child's class had to do it when it was 0 degrees with a wind chill of -3 to -5 degrees.Do you agree that this is too cold to be outside dressed only in leggings and a sweatshirt?


Will do them good.

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We had to do cross country in the winter months, and run through a RIVER!!! :gag: not just a little stream either, the main river that runs through the Hope Valley.


I dont think it does kids any harm, if they are really doing P.E then its by definition physical and therefore they should warm up rather rapidly, I certainly think if I was let outside in me leggings and Tee-shirt I'd want to run around to warm up.


i was at shirecliffe we ran threw the cemetry....and beleave me i did run threw the cemetry and up in the woods back to school..some had a crafty fag...:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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my old swimming teacher pushed a kid outside onto the fire escape in his trunks in the middle of winter and left him a few minutes.

you wouldnt get away with that these days without getting into major trouble. mind you he did get the sack for perving on the girls changing room!

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