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Outdoor PE in cold weather

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They don't :suspect: I think some posters are getting a chill mixed up with the potentially fatal pneumonia :D
actualy my son gets terrible colds in winter where if exposed to cold can lead to pnumonia i did not and have never said cold causes pnumonia just that maybe little kids should be kept inside i have got no issues with older kids doing p.e in the cold as i did when younger. so grow up and stop digging at people and learn how to have respect on the forum. kids are playing out but not my five year old son with just a tshirt n shorts :loopy::loopy:
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actualy my son gets terrible colds in winter where if exposed to cold can lead to pnumonia i did not and have never said cold causes pnumonia just that maybe little kids should be kept inside i have got no issues with older kids doing p.e in the cold as i did when younger. so grow up and stop digging at people and learn how to have respect on the forum. kids are playing out but not my five year old son with just a tshirt n shorts :loopy::loopy:


Where did you get your medical degree?.

Mine cost 60 bhat in thailand.

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actualy my son gets terrible colds in winter where if exposed to cold can lead to pnumonia i did not and have never said cold causes pnumonia just that maybe little kids should be kept inside i have got no issues with older kids doing p.e in the cold as i did when younger. so grow up and stop digging at people and learn how to have respect on the forum. kids are playing out but not my five year old son with just a tshirt n shorts :loopy::loopy:


Again, you catch a cold from just being exposed to cold conditions :) You are more likely to contract a cold/pneumonia from being indoors. As for your accusations, I am not having a dig. I merely pointed out a fact and did so in a non abusive way. If you cannot counter my argument without resorting to name calling then it is you that should grow up :)


Anyhow, what is it with the world today. Being forced to PE outside is not cruel. Being forced to work 18 hours a day without breaks etc... that's cruel. Get with the programme!!

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Actually, most of you seem to think that outdoor PE for five year olds is fine so I find myself in the minority. I still think that it is cruel and I know that other parents are angry but too afraid to speak out.I have found some of your comments quite demoralising and hope that when you have children of your own you have a little more regard for their welfare.


I have a five year old. I have to insist that he wears a coat, let alone gloves etc. He hasn't complained about outdoor PE, none of my kids have (I have four). The school yard is much more spacious for PE than most school halls. At our school parents are warned that kids will be outside for PE and that kids should have appropriate PE kit. Maybe your child just doesn't like PE? I've helped a Y1 class with PE, and believe me at least 50% would rather be sitting in front of a screen. Getting outside does do them good - ask a teacher what a class is like when they've been stuck inside all day due to wet weather. Generally the cold air wakes them up and gets them interested in moving and exercising, THAT is good for their welfare.

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Nah, toughen them up a bit. We used to do sports in all weathers, I well remember cross country across sticky clay fields in the freezing cold and rain. Gets your stamina up.


Honestly, for northerners some of you really are nesh. Then again, Sheffield's actually in the Midlands (gets coat and runs)

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we did cross country in all weathers back in the 60s-70s...we was hard as nails then


Speak for yourself, I was a a big girl's blouse! :D


I remember doing football when it was so cold that I couldn't re-tie my bootlace after it came undone. My fingers couldn't coordinate.

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