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How much should a trade union leader earn?

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They should be paid by performance related pay (PRP).


If they help to bring down the ConDems after 9 months they should get £100K

12 months £95k etc. If after 5 years the ConDems are still in, they should get nothing.:D


Doesn't PRP go against labours "if you don't have something your neighbour has and you want, we will give it you for free" mantra?

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They should be paid by performance related pay (PRP).


If they help to bring down the ConDems after 9 months they should get £100K

12 months £95k etc. If after 5 years the ConDems are still in, they should get nothing.:D


So they will be getting nothing then. ;)

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Brushing aside the faux outrage lets look at the facts. Crow and co all have their pay and conditions decided by a democratic conference that takes place each year. If members were disgusted at their leaders pay and perks there would be numerous motions to conference calling for their reduction.


It is an ultra leftist position to demand the leaders of multi million pound organisations containing thousands or even millions of people should be paid much less than the going rate for such an organisation.


However it is true the leader of my union Mark Serwotka did ask for his pay to be reduced. That ran into problems when the union representing staff at the organisation said it would destabilise their negotiations. It's not as simple as it seems. Mark instead pays a chunk back into the union coffers.


It is also the case that when union members are interviewed about this subject most like the idea of their leaders having good rewards for their leadership. It is always a pressurised position with heavy responsibility.


Incidentally Crow and Serwotka have both expanded the size and bargaining strength of their unions since taking over so you could say it's performance related.

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They should be paid by performance related pay (PRP).


If they help to bring down the ConDems after 9 months they should get £100K

12 months £95k etc. If after 5 years the ConDems are still in, they should get nothing.:D


It seems that you think the job of a trade union leader is to be a political tool of the Labour Party. I wonder if all the members who pay his salary would be happy with that.

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When General Secretaries are up for election, there's usually one candidate who will propose that the GS should only earn the same as the most skilled workers represented by union. If the rank and file choose someone else that's democracy


However is it democracy for The Sun, News of The World and other right wing 'newspapers' to actively support one candidate in Union elections? A candidate who also somehow has found the money to place full page adverts in many newspapers. Should candidates awash with money reveal where their funding has come from in a democratic process?

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Trade Union leaders earn as much as they can get



That's perfectly acceptable, if they argue that leaders should earn as much as they can get. If they argue that leaders of large organisations should not be paid much - or any - more than the general workforce, then they are being hypocritical.

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