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Threat to kill caught on film - CPS do nothing.

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Lets get some things straight here.


I have seen the video on youtube. The driver deliberatley aims his vehicle at the guy on the bike and definately threatens him verbally.


The cyclist did absolutley nothing wrong, he infact rode according to National Standards (or Bikeability) during and before the event - this is Government and DfT approved cycle training.


As a road user myself, why should law abiding people have to put up with this kind of nonsense? To moan about red lights and pavements is a bit off, and devalues a point that could make change for us all.


To say that a road user has "no grounds to complain" because others who are simply using the same type of vehicle is also rediculous. By that measure a driver would be in the very same boat and those that have made such comment need to have a little think about their though process.


We are all entitled to safe and considerate road use.



What this shows is that the police/CPS in Hounslow don't care about people making death threats in the area. Because someone in a car making a death threat on camera is exactly what got recorded. Yet they do nothing. This isn't surprising, but it should embarrass them.


Other car drivers may dismiss this, but think about the golf driver -do you think he's a safe driver? Because he looks a hazard to everyone -and he seems likely to start a fight with anyone he's in a collision with.

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We are all entitled to safe and considerate road use.


And you think driving at 3mph in the dark winter evenings with tiny little led's flashing on the back of something that couldn't withstand a push is safe?


Rather you than me, sunshine..

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Other car drivers may dismiss this, but think about the golf driver -do you think he's a safe driver? Because he looks a hazard to everyone -and he seems likely to start a fight with anyone he's in a collision with.


LOL, just reminded me...


Last xmas I went down to my sisters, i'd been out the night before so I was laid down on the back seat.


We, were on the M25 and my Dad had said what is this p*** doing, surely he's just trying to wind me up driving like that. My Mum said, he's been past us three times already.


I sat up and starred at him, LOL, never seen anyone drop back so quickly...

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Lets get some things straight here.


I have seen the video on youtube. The driver deliberatley aims his vehicle at the guy on the bike and definately threatens him verbally.


The cyclist did absolutley nothing wrong, he infact rode according to National Standards (or Bikeability) during and before the event - this is Government and DfT approved cycle training.


As a road user myself, why should law abiding people have to put up with this kind of nonsense? To moan about red lights and pavements is a bit off, and devalues a point that could make change for us all.


To say that a road user has "no grounds to complain" because others who are simply using the same type of vehicle is also rediculous. By that measure a driver would be in the very same boat and those that have made such comment need to have a little think about their though process.


We are all entitled to safe and considerate road use.



What this shows is that the police/CPS in Hounslow don't care about people making death threats in the area. Because someone in a car making a death threat on camera is exactly what got recorded. Yet they do nothing. This isn't surprising, but it should embarrass them.


Other car drivers may dismiss this, but think about the golf driver -do you think he's a safe driver? Because he looks a hazard to everyone -and he seems likely to start a fight with anyone he's in a collision with.

Seeing things as well as hearing things..maybe its time for you to consider a trick cyclist instead of this up your arse one

You call it "damning" evidence..I say agai there is no evidence that would stand up in a court of law and if you believe there is you are very naive and ignorant of the criminal law system in this country.

I saw a driver swearing and calling the cyclist names,I heard no threats to kill,at the most as stated earlier Both would qualify only for action liable to cause a breach of the peace..why..because there is no evidence of actual threats and the cyclist was in the wrong accosting the driver after the initial confrontation..that is the law, he should have left it at the initial stage and phoned the police, by chasing after he encouraged aactions liable to cause a breach of the peace,if the diver had got out and punched him at that time both would have been charged..one for assault and both on a public disturbance order.

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And you think driving at 3mph in the dark winter evenings with tiny little led's flashing on the back of something that couldn't withstand a push is safe?


Rather you than me, sunshine..


Yep. Except it's called "cycling". You don't "drive" a bike.


Worldwide evidence supports that view too.


Broadly, the more cyclists there are on the roads, the safer the roads become.



For example, a community that doubles its cycling numbers can expect a one-third drop in the per-cyclist frequency of a crash with a motor vehicle.





"It's a virtuous cycle," says Dr Julie Hatfield, an injury expert from UNSW who address a cycling safety seminar in Sydney, Australia, on September 5. "The likelihood that an individual cyclist will be struck by a motorist falls with increasing rate of bicycling in a community. And the safer cycling is perceived to be, the more people are prepared to cycle."


Idiots in beat-up Golfs notwithstanding.

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Iv nothing against cyclists but in this day and age there is no room for them on main roads they are a danger to themselves and with their flagrant disobeying of road traffic laws ,are a danger to others,they weave in out of slow moving traffic,disobey road signs and traffic signals and are basically ignorant of even the simplest traffic laws..plus they contribute nothing to the upkeep of the roads they cycle on.

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The story's made the Torygraph:


Martin Porter QC criticised police and prosecutors for failing to take-up his case after he recorded the incident, and the car's numberplate, on a helmet camera and submitted the evidence to police.


The footage showed the driver subjecting the victim to a volley of abuse and profanities.


Mr Porter said: “He is probably guilty of a more serious offence, including a threat to kill. I would have been content for him to be charged with the lesser offence of threatening behaviour. I can't understand why it's constructive to do nothing.”





If this driver, God forbid, does actually carry out his threats and use his vehicle as a weapon against a vulnerable road user the police will have some explaining to do.


Happens in Sheffield too:


Sheffield Police genuinely don't give a sh8t.


After being knocked off police man dick head told me that the distance I live was too far away for him to drive to interview me so they were letting the driver off.


This is the distance that I cycle to work which he couldn't be arsed to drive.


The prick couldn't even write his name on the paperwork he got a secretary to pp it so I couldn't even phone him up.


There may be some professional police but I have never in my life met one.


A disgusting waste of public moneyIn my opinion they should have a 25 percent pay cut .


Thats not all, my bike gets totalled at a roundabout by a hit and run driver (rego details taken down) and the police acknowledge receipt of the form by letter but never contact me again. No action, response or even a pathetic letter to say they have investigated it and decided their is no action to be taken.





Cyclist is assaulted by a cabbie, and strangled until he passes out. The cops arrest the cyclist, and only drop the case when witnesses come forward:



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Mr Porter said: “He is probably guilty of a more serious offence, including a threat to kill. I would have been content for him to be charged with the lesser offence of threatening behaviour. I can't understand why it's constructive to do nothing.”


Ah well, if he's probably guilty in the eyes of the complainant then he must be hounded through the courts .... Oh hang on. Didn't the CPS (not the cops mind you) decline to prosecute because the evidence provided didn't meet the threshold for prosecution?

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