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Threat to kill caught on film - CPS do nothing.

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Ahh, that's the London I know and love! To be fair, it sounds like the bloke was just mouthing off, and the fact this barrister got him to repeat his threats for the camera is not an indication he thought his life was in imminent danger. There must be a thousand such incidents a day. prosecuting this would cost money and achieve nothing.

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All he need do to actually kill or maim me was to steer even further over to his left. This is an offence which should be taken seriously.


It should be taken as seriously as a threat to blow up Robin Hood Airport.



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Ive seen some of the comments on you tube from cyclists against car drivers,calling them "four wheeled tossers" etc.

I think that when cyclists start paying a road tax,not a full amount as a car but a little towards the upkeep of the roads they use,those cycle lanes arent cheap!,Also how about insurance for any damage you may cause with your bike,to cars or the public (ive seen it done) and when they are subject to the highway code,eg,stopping at a red light and not hopping on the pavement to go round or just turning left at a junction with a red light,giving way,overtaking and not undertaking.Riding single file on country lanes and not two abreast so they can have a nice chat while they block the road etc

Maybe then more motorists would have more respect for them and incidents like this would be fewer.

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Not so long ago a cyclist undertook us as we were making a left turn and subsequently threatened to kill my OH because he didn't like the fact that he was completely in the wrong being pointed out to him.


Just to drag this up from page one, but you're wrong I'm afraid. Current law says that in this exact situation, where a cyclist is filtering in traffic, you would share the blame with the cyclist. If there's a cycle lane, you'd be entirely at fault, not the cyclist. If not, its 50/50.

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There's a chap in Essex who is now paralysed after being pushed from his bike by yobs in a car. There was the van driver who murdered a cyclist by ramming him, and Catriona Patel was killed in London by a drunk driver on a mobile phone. People in cars saying "I will kill you" to vulnerable road users ought to be at the very least questioned so they know how seriously behaving like a thug is treated by the law.



If a man wielding a chainsaw said "I will kill you" would you report it?


Same with a car.

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There's a chap in Essex who is now paralysed after being pushed from his bike by yobs in a car. There was the van driver who murdered a cyclist by ramming him, and Catriona Patel was killed in London by a drunk driver on a mobile phone. People in cars saying "I will kill you" to vulnerable road users ought to be at the very least questioned so they know how seriously behaving like a thug is treated by the law.



If a man wielding a chainsaw said "I will kill you" would you report it?


Same with a car.


Tragic, I'll agree. However, it does not bring a magical new legal argument to Mr Porter's complaint against this motorist.

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How did the cyclist "Look for trouble" exactly?


By being on the road?




By obstructing other traffic. Other traffic which pays money to use the road.

Has insurance to drive on the roads.

Pays tax to be on the roads.




We are talking about someone doing nothing wrong and being threatened with threats to kill.


We are talking about a nobhead whos been riled by an arrogant cyclist looking for a story to make his name with.




You'd do nothing if someone in possesion of a vehicle capable of crushing you to death issued the same threats?


I think not.

Most people would take it for what it is.

Some nobhead sounding off.

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You think cyclists don't pay tax?


You do know road tax doesn't exist?


It's VED, cyclists pay the same as classic cars, invalid carriages and mobility scooters.


It's strange you're so exercised about a subject you know nothing about, do you know what The Primary Position is, and why it's safest for cyclists at pinch points?

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