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Threat to kill caught on film - CPS do nothing.

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You think cyclists don't pay tax?


You do know road tax doesn't exist?


It's VED, cyclists pay the same as classic cars, invalid carriages and mobility scooters.


It's strange you're so exercised about a subject you know nothing about, do you know what The Primary Position is, and why it's safest for cyclists at pinch points?


Are you banging on about cyclists or karma sutra ?

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Good on the Standard for highlighting this case. To those who claim for whatever twisted reason that 'he deserved it' you merely prove the point. No one deserves to be threatened in that way for merely using the roads. And that applies whatever form of transport they are using, quite aside from the fact that, if you take the trouble to look at his videos he clearly rides carefully and responsibly.

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Good on the Standard for highlighting this case. To those who claim for whatever twisted reason that 'he deserved it' you merely prove the point. No one deserves to be threatened in that way for merely using the roads. And that applies whatever form of transport they are using, quite aside from the fact that, if you take the trouble to look at his videos he clearly rides carefully and responsibly.

I dont know in that film he seemed to be all over the road..shoulda been breathalysed

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Good on the Standard for highlighting this case. To those who claim for whatever twisted reason that 'he deserved it' you merely prove the point. No one deserves to be threatened in that way for merely using the roads. And that applies whatever form of transport they are using, quite aside from the fact that, if you take the trouble to look at his videos he clearly rides carefully and responsibly.

It is you innit...... or maybe one of your cycling chummies

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How did the cyclist "Look for trouble" exactly?


By being on the road?


We are talking about someone doing nothing wrong and being threatened with threats to kill.


You'd do nothing if someone in possesion of a vehicle capable of crushing you to death issued the same threats?


I think not.


Everyone let's a slip of the tongue in the anger of the moment now and again, but not everyone uploads it onto youtube and calls it a death threat, just because somebody threatens to kill you, it doesn't make it a death threat, you know, you might say "I'm gonna kill you" course you don't mean it, just say it because someones done something wrong, doesn't literally mwan you are going to kill them, just a way to express your anger, what the cyclist didn't show you was him cutting the driver up a few hundred feet before hand aaaahhhh

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If a man wielding a chainsaw said "I will kill you" would you report it?



Would you ask him to repeat what he had said so you could get it on film? No, you would run, unless you obviously didn't really take the threat seriously. If you didn't take it seriously yourself, you would have to be a bit of a slimey barrister type to try and get other people to take it seriously. (awaits lible suit from slimey barrister) I rest my case M'lud.

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