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99% say Get out of Europe. What do you think?

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Well that was certainly what I would call a good response.


I wish I had known how to set up the survey now.


I can understand why some have commented that the average man/woman in the street knows nothing about Europe.

We are often easily led by sensationalist media, like the front page of The daily Express and just get the opinion of the reporter who wants to believe what he/she wants us to believe.


As a Liberal, I am in two minds about Europe. I can see that there is far too much wastage and beurocracy. I can see that we have rules enforced up on us that we dont necessarily agree with and have no say in.

However, having a German student staying with me for some time, I spent quite a lot of time having a conversation with him about Germany and about Europe. This did open my eyes to how we must seem to the other member states.I do feel that some of us have an island mentality.We do seem to be 'in the dark' about what it means to be European.We concluded that we Britsih do say that we are British,we dont say that we are European whereas the Germans do think of themselves as European.


Before I can say in or out, I feel that we need to be given much more factual information. Not spin, not propoganda but facts. I guess that we can if we want to find these facts for ourselves but it isnt easy. I feel that you get more from talking to the individuals who actually know about these things.

We need to have more debates and I do think we need to have a referendum.

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Not quite so. Iraq is a concoction created during Britain's colonial days and policies of slicing and dicing large parts of the world as they saw fit.

Modern Iraq was the result of combining three Ottoman states, Baghdad, Basra and Mosul and then after the revolution in 1958 the colonials moved out and left this unholy combination to fester along with all the ethnic hatreds and cultural differences. A country like that was never bound to work or identify with a feeling of unity and cohesion.


I'll name several other modern day trouble spots still festering from the days of empire. Sri Lanka, India/Pakistan, Sudan, Israel/Palestine, Somalia and Nigeria


Only fair that Britain share some of the responsibilities of trying to sort out the mess that the past governments created.


'Imperial guilt' should have no place in contemporary British foreign policy. The countries you refer to have been independent for many decades and the 'mess' that most of them are in is very largely due to their own mistakes and follies, not ours.

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'Imperial guilt' should have no place in contemporary British foreign policy. The countries you refer to have been independent for many decades


Independent yes but the clumsy handiwork of old men sitting in Westminster 80 or 90 years ago lives on and the troubles today are to a large extent a legacy of that.

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'Imperial guilt' should have no place in contemporary British foreign policy. The countries you refer to have been independent for many decades and the 'mess' that most of them are in is very largely due to their own mistakes and follies, not ours.


Isn't it easier to patronise them than to ignore them?

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'Imperial guilt' should have no place in contemporary British foreign policy. The countries you refer to have been independent for many decades and the 'mess' that most of them are in is very largely due to their own mistakes and follies, not ours.


Couldn't agree more. Look how everything that's gone wrong in Zimbabwe is always Britains fault. Soon as they're given independance, they're masters of their own future.

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