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99% say Get out of Europe. What do you think?

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Yes but my opinions concerned countries and governments that were not used as pawns in the cold war. Sri Lanka, the Sudan, Israel/Palestine, Somalia and Nigeria. All with problems unrelated to the cold war and which are still with us today.
You are joking of course 'Israel/palestine, all the Arab countries were armed by the Soviet Union with ten times the arms that the US supplied to the Israelis.

You'll next be saying that the McDuffs will soon be fighting the McDonalds now that scotland has its own parliament.

Well it won't because its not part of Africa but has something in common with Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

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Has Canada, Australia, New Zealand gone down the pan since independence?

There is a common denominator in the countries that have gone down the pan since independence, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out what that is.


could it be that the white settler community continued the empire's tradition of raping, torturing and generally oppressing the original native inhabitants?

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could it be that the white settler community continued the empire's tradition of raping, torturing and generally oppressing the original native inhabitants?
So raping and torturing the native community goes on in these countrys does it? :loopy: sounds more like South Africa and Zimbabwe to me.
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That has nothing to do the countries of Africa and many other colonised places which were backward when colonised.

Has Canada, Australia, New Zealand gone down the pan since independence?

There is a common denominator in the countries that have gone down the pan since independence, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out what that is.


Generally it was places where we redrew the borders, imposed a different type of rule, changed the way of life completely and then upped and left.


The white ruling majority never upped and left Australia, Canada or New Zealand...

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That has nothing to do the countries of Africa and many other colonised places which were backward when colonised.

Has Canada, Australia, New Zealand gone down the pan since independence?

There is a common denominator in the countries that have gone down the pan since independence, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out what that is.


The common denominator is that their natural resources were depleted by their colonial invaders and they were left with large debts with no way of servicing them. Plus, Canada, New Zealand and Australia were very thinly populated when they were stolen from the indigenous people and the invaders are still there.

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The common denominator is that their natural resources were depleted by their colonial invaders and they were left with large debts with no way of servicing them. Plus, Canada, New Zealand and Australia were very thinly populated when they were stolen from the indigenous people and the invaders are still there.




According to the 2010 BP Statistical Energy Survey, South Africa had end 2009 coal reserves of 30408 million tonnes, 3.68% of the world total. South Africa has Africa's only significant coal reserves.

South Africa had 2009 coal production of 250.02 million tonnes, 4.13% of the world total. The world's major producers are China, the USA, India, Australia, Russia, Indonesia and South Africa.



Africa is the world's largest producer of diamonds, producing as much as 50% of global production. To date, Africa has produced over 75%, in value, of the world's diamonds with more than 1.9 billion carats worth an estimated $US 158 billion mined. Angola, Botswana and South Africa are leading producers of diamods.

Mining activities are centered around South Central Africa, with diamonds being produced primarily from kimberlite mines (South Africa, Angola, DRC, Ghana, Tanzania, Lesotho and Botswana), followed by alluvial dredging operations (Angola, CAR, Namibia and South Africa) and offshore marine diamond activities (South Africa and Namibia).


Palabora, South Africa’s leading copper producer, is located 360km north east of Pretoria, close to the Kruger National Park. Palabora is also a major source of vermiculite and baddeleyite (zirconium oxide). The majority shareholders in Palabora Mining Co. are Rio Tinto plc (57.7%) and Anglo-American.

Open-pit mining commenced at Palabora in 1964 and ended in 2002 when the pit reached its final economic depth. The development of an underground mine to work the ore remaining below the pit bottom began during the final years of open-pit production, at a cost of some $465m, with the prospect of a further 20 years' life in the underground operation.

Copper is also produced at the Exxaro owned Black Mountain polymetallic mine near Aggeneys in the Northern Cape. Copper is also produced as a by-product of the platinum mines situated on the Bushveld Igneous Complex.


South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana are the only producers of PGE’s in Africa. South Africa is the world’s leading platinum producer and the second largest palladium producer after Russia. According to the Johnson Matthey’ 'Platinum Supply and Demand in 2007', South Africa produced 79% of the world's platinum, 34% of the palladium and 87% of the rhodium. Anglo American Platinum Company (Anglo Platinum) and Impala Platinum (Implats) dominate PGE production.


Africa is a continent of 54 countries with an estimated mid-2000 population of 805 million people. The upstream oil industry is key to the continent of Africa. According to the 2008 BP Statistical Energy Survey, Africa had proven oil reserves of 117.481 billion barrels at the end of 2007 or 9.49 % of the world's reserves and in 2007 the region produced an average of 10317.6 thousand barrels of crude oil per day, 12.5% of the world total and a change of 3.1 % compared to 2006. Five countries dominate Africa's upstream oil production. Together they account for 85% of the continent's oil production and are, in order of decreasing output, Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, Egypt and Angola. Other oil producing countries are Gabon, Congo, Cameroon, Tunisia, Equatorial Guinea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Cote d'Ivoire. Exploration is taking place in a number of other countries that aim to increase their output or become first time producers. Included in this list are Chad, Sudan, Namibia, South Africa and Madagascar while Mozambique and Tanzania are potential gas producers.

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Generally it was places where we redrew the borders, imposed a different type of rule, changed the way of life completely and then upped and left.


Rubbish all former colonies were left with modern infrastrcture when they demanded and got independence.

Zimbabwe being the best example of the lot, from 'Breadbasket of Africa' to 'Basket Case of Africa'. (In how many years?) and you blame the Brits as usual:loopy:

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The common denominator is that their natural resources were depleted by their colonial invaders and they were left with large debts with no way of servicing them. Plus, Canada, New Zealand and Australia were very thinly populated when they were stolen from the indigenous people and the invaders are still there.


That is a load of lefty do-gooder cobblers as anyone with half a brain knows.

Africa is awash with natural rescources, get your fact right.

No newly independent former colony was left to pick up the debts of their former masters.

Look how many years most of thse these former African colonies have been independent with most being run on corruption.

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