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99% say Get out of Europe. What do you think?

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As I've said many times oh here if certain people don't like what you say you're rascist, fascist, a BNP/EDL member, islamaphobe, homophobe (I used to think that was someone who was afraid to leave the house) Zionist ....


It is more often the case that if certain people are racists, Islamophobes, homophobes and the like, then people will not like what they say.

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It is more often the case that if certain people are racists, Islamophobes, homophobes and the like, then people will not like what they say.


Wouldn't that make everyone disliked? An islamophile would be by their deen homophobic and a homophile would be islamophobic for "turkeys not voting for christmas" reasons. If both are bad and they are mutually exclusive then wouldn't that make everyone dislikeable?

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Might be impossible ?

As an island nation situated so close to the european continent, it would prove very costly indeed to relocate (if not impossible).


if it proves to be feasible, you're welcome to re-locate off the coast of NJ, that way visits will be much easier.

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Might be impossible ?

As an island nation situated so close to the european continent, it would prove very costly indeed to relocate (if not impossible).


if it proves to be feasible, you're welcome to re-locate off the coast of NJ, that way visits will be much easier.


Geographically, the UK is almost as valid a candidate for membership of the Union as is Hawaii. (Historically, politically, and possibly for other reasons, maybe not so much!)

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A banking crisis has been converted into a sovereign debt crisis. The countries at the core of the EU don't have the sovereign debt crisis, the ones at the outer edge of the EU do. Every penny to bail out Ireland etc... flows back to banks at the core. The first question is do which bit of the future two-speed Europe do we choose to belong to. The core (which will be globally competitive) or the edge with the basket cases like Portugal, Ireland etc... At the very least we need to be in a trading block with the Germans or else we're toast.

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Iv relatives in germany,and thier re printing the mark.Theyve no love for the euro whatsoever.

Were not european here and never have been,this country has always traded well in europe,with or without euros,most business is done by bank transfer anyhow.

Wed be far better off taking out our money,and not wasting it on more useless beurocracy,we get little from the eu as it is,french farmers get the best deal,and we wouldnt have to accept euro migration quotas either,wev enough foriengers as it is.

Id vote to pull out,and invest in our own country,re open old commenwealth links again and trade with those,we do more trade with the irish than most of our supposed euro nieghbours!

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