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People being jealous of you making a name for yourself


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Ha, thanks for the support iv only just noticed that so many people replied to this thread. Well like i said on the website i am not the best nor the worst i just love what i do end of. :D Also i wont have him and his ''breadbins'' commenting anymore as i have a new website with no guestbook. if you would like to look at it and tell me what you think id appreciate it. But the big thanks go to Awebdesign4u as They built the website for me and i am really happy with what hes done :D

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Is there anyone on here who is or has succsesfully made a buisness from there hobby ect and had trouble along the way from jelous people? If so post your story here. The reason for me making this thready is that i have just recieved this message on my website guest book and made my day to be honest! :hihi:


Oh. My. God... There are so many stories.


I've had people diss my work for years, and some guy was posting porn on my website, just because I'd had a few novels published.


I got the Police involved and he admitted he was doing it purely out of jealously.


It's a major motivator on-line, when you can hide behind the anonymity of it all.

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Do what you love, love what do.

Sadly there are too many people out there ready to tell you what you are doing wrong or how they would do it better, constructive criticism is one thing as it helps an artist grow but narrow minded jealousy helps no one.


I had people writing about a photo I took telling me how it was composed wrong, cropped wrong, lit wrong etc. I entered in a national portrait competition and I came second, it was published in 3 magazines and the Sheffield Star

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I really like graffiti if it's done well and in an appropriate place. Look at Banksy, you could argue he's sold out but his works are skillful and clever.

I hate the idiots who defaced every possible surface from Lodge moor to Hillsborough by spraying 3:13 on everything causing massive damage ... they need locking up! :loopy:

Good look to you anyway!

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