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Can Sheffields buses get you the sack?

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if your bus is regularly late and dropping you at work late then the answer seems simple.


get an earlier bus.


i would rather sit at work 30 mins early reading a paper nice and relaxed than constantly wondering if i was going to be late.


That depends if the OP catches a later bus in the first place. If its the first bus of the day, catching an earlier one is out of the question.


I havent caught a bus in years but Mrs S uses them regularly and know that its a constant battle for her to do the same journey at the same time because the bus companies keep shifting the route numbers and timetable around. Then, the bus is often later than stated on the TT, empty and expensive (Around £3 for a 3 mile journey)


When i was a kid (im 37) busses used to run regular routes at regular times and kept those routes and times for years upon years, fares were much more reasonable (as a teen going into town, 50p) and they were often quite full, unlike now.

Busses used to be a good service, now they are a joke.

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if your bus is regularly late and dropping you at work late then the answer seems simple.


get an earlier bus.


i would rather sit at work 30 mins early reading a paper nice and relaxed than constantly wondering if i was going to be late.

i DO catch a bus which should get me there 30 minutes early, most of the time it gets me there 25 minutes early, BUT theres odd times where it all goes pair shaped lol


theres mine at 7.15. then a student bus about 15 minutes later.

a few times its been late, and when ive mentioned it ive found out its the second bus thats come first either on time or early.

then not long after "my bus" goes speeding past us :suspect:

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if your bus is regularly late and dropping you at work late then the answer seems simple.

get an earlier bus.

i would rather sit at work 30 mins early reading a paper nice and relaxed than constantly wondering if i was going to be late.

Exactly. If people are late for work, they can't blame the bus for being late when any reasonable person knows busses cannot be relied upon - we all have to take measures to make sure we have some time in hand for our journeys.
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Please try to have a little more respect for the public service kindly provided to you.
Most of us do, others just don't have enough between their ears to understand that the bus companies do not have control of how many cars fill the roads on any given day.


Sometimes my trip home from work in the centre of Sheffield takes me less than 20 minutes. Last night, it took an hour and a quarter - to go 5 miles!!


I must find some buses to blame . . .

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When i was a kid (im 37) busses used to run regular routes at regular times and kept those routes and times for years upon years, fares were much more reasonable (as a teen going into town, 50p) and they were often quite full, unlike now.


When you were a kid there was very little traffic on the roads apart from busess - unlike now.

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We cant be held accountable for external influences.


When you were a kid there was very little traffic on the roads apart from busess - unlike now.


take my experience, again :P

none sheffield obviously


i have no idea how my bus can be late on so many occasions, it comes from whitby, its either empty or only a couple of people on, the traffic is virtually none existant, and even if the weathers fine, it still can be 10-20 minutes late even later sometimes

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