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Responsibility and Parents

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Not one day passes when I can open a newspaper, turn on the TV, speak to people or browse on SF without seeing, hearing or reading something relating to teenagers - whether

it be under age drinking, graffiti, hanging around in groups intimidating people or carrying out willful damage to people's property or cars........ where's it all going to end ?

Parents should be made responsible for their kids actions and chastise them accordingly,

forget the softly softly approach that its wrong to smack them - just talking to them is just not working.

Instead of parents ( I'm not saying all parents do ) just chucking their offspring out on the streets at night so they can go for a pint, they should know where they are and what ther'e up to.

Disciplin never did me any harm as a child as I've been brought up to know right from wrong and to say Please and Thankyou.

It doesnt matter which area you visit or live in or indeed which county you live in, the same problem with kids exists, the police and the courts should be tougher both with the parents and the kids.

Unless a solution is found soon and implemented, we will be facing anarchy !!

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Joking aside. Parents have seemed to have forgotton how to bring up children or is it the generation before that hasnt bothered to teach them?


I think this is where the problem lies. The parents have been lazy and ill informed I think it's part of the whole mentality these days.

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As long as "anyone" is allowed to have a child, idiots will continue to spawn idiots.


exactly that.


im sure it was medusa's sig (??) that said:

giving birth to a child no more makes you a parent than owning a piano makes you a pianist


or something similar?


it reminded me of my parents. none of us have been brought up to be mindless thugs, quite the opposite, but they just werent very loving parents.

they did know what discipline was though and none of us are criminals!

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Joking aside. Parents have seemed to have forgotton how to bring up children or is it the generation before that hasnt bothered to teach them?


We are now into second and third generation bad parenting, so what you say is probably true.

But also a lot of parents have lost confidence in their own judgement and ability as parents, thanks to meddling interference by the state, eg. the smacking debate, and social workers supporting the children rather than backing up the parents.


It doesn't help that most parents go out to work now and are probably too knackered to parent properly. Being a good parent is totally undervalued by the state whereas it's probably the most important job there is.

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