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Burncross School..bit of a long shot but..

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I can go back a long way as I left Burncross school in 1959 and was one of the lucky ones who went to Ecclesfield GS. I think the head was called Miss Spittlehouse and the only male teacher Mr Mycock ! He was a better pianist than football coach, although I still got my football colours at Ecclesfield. I have photo of us holding the Carolis [?] cup for winning at rounders. Who we beat to win it I can't recall. Several former Burncross pupils did very well at Ecclesfield and were far more academically capable than me. Are any of you still around ? Paul Iverson

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I went there too, around 1965 to 1968.  Some memories:

Playground divided down the middle with a big gate.  Toilets at the top of the yard in the corner.

Nice field at the back with an air-raid shelter called The Point which we were told not to play on.  Some classrooms had a coal fire.  Mobile dentist caravan once per year.  Hole in the wall into infants playground.  School bell in a turret on the roof.  Sloping playground brilliant for slides in the snow.  Staff-room upstairs and going upstairs strictly forbidden.  Mrs Hulbert was crossing lady.

Miss Spittlehouse, Mr Kirbyshaw, Miss Cook, Mrs Taylor and Mr Womersley come to mind.  Then I was at Windmill Hill for one year before comp, Mr Womersley's class.


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I went to burncross from about 45-46 up to going to high green , across the road was the gardens and pigstye one day one of the pigs got out and a young lad put his head though railings and got it stuck, the gravedigger came with bar and got him out, I think Mr Evans was the headmaster at the time I was there.

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