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Smoking establishments - Debate, not abuse.


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The question is do those that want to see a return of smoking to selected premises expect folks to introduce smoking only shops, cinemas, restaurants, buses, taxis, pubs, wine bars, hairdressers, aircraft, offices, factories etc etc etc? These were all places where smoking was once allowed and now isn't.


Secondly do they expect all the staff, maintenance men, meter readers, delivery drivers, licence inspectors, firemen, policemen, cleaners and anyone else who needs to visit the premises to be smokers as well?

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Your idea is a sensible opttion, but the chance of it taking off is next to nill.

There are 3 threads on smoking on here and each one has been hyjacked by the none smoking brigade.


I enjoy smoking and I am aware of the risks that is my choice, I do not smoke where there are children or where people are eating, but to have a pint and a game of darts with other people who also smoke served by bar staff that smoke in a room that is well ventilated I dont see a problem.

When I go into a pub for a meal I have to put up with Drunk and arrogent loud people, Screaming Kids, loud mobile phones and queue jumping pratts.

What happend to the open fire, a game of domms and you could sit and read your paper no Juke Box or slot machines. Old Albert in the corner with his dog and pipe who came out each day for a pint and a chat and was 80, now he can not do that so he stays at home on his own with little contact with others. There are many people like Albert, why do we deny thease people many who served for their country this one small pleasure for the sake of the anti smoking brigade and their so called comfort.



How very true - your very sensible comments reflect the way I feel too and yes, I know there is little chance of it ever happening because we have governments who simply pay lip service to peoples freedom of choice and then do the opposite.

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Why do we keep getting these threads in different guises. Smoking as been banned, get over it.



If you don't like or don't agree with this thread, what are you doing on here?

I asked for debate - not a repeat of the other smoking threads.

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The question is do those that want to see a return of smoking to selected premises expect folks to introduce smoking only shops, cinemas, restaurants, buses, taxis, pubs, wine bars, hairdressers, aircraft, offices, factories etc etc etc? These were all places where smoking was once allowed and now isn't.


Secondly do they expect all the staff, maintenance men, meter readers, delivery drivers, licence inspectors, firemen, policemen, cleaners and anyone else who needs to visit the premises to be smokers as well?



No, not at all - simply a few smoking pubs so that we can enjoy ourselves without being a nuisance to non-smokers.


Your second paragraph is just too silly to warrant an answer - constructive comments, either for or against, only please

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The question is do those that want to see a return of smoking to selected premises expect folks to introduce smoking only shops, cinemas, restaurants, buses, taxis, pubs, wine bars, hairdressers, aircraft, offices, factories etc etc etc? These were all places where smoking was once allowed and now isn't.


Secondly do they expect all the staff, maintenance men, meter readers, delivery drivers, licence inspectors, firemen, policemen, cleaners and anyone else who needs to visit the premises to be smokers as well?


No we dont, most smokers respect those that would prefer a smoke free enviroment and that is understood, so give those of us who do smoke a bit of slack.

Long before the smoking ban shops,cinemas,restaurants, buses, taxis, hairdressers, aircrafts, offices and factories was not allowed and we as smokers are not asking for those places to be returned to smoking status.

I am not sure that if we had dedicated smoking rooms in pubs that we would need the following services, meter readers(that would take place at the point of entry of the incoming mains supply), delivery drivers (not sure the smoking room would be in the cellar), licence inspectors (they would inspect out of hours), firemen (If they are attending a fire there are more problems than smokers), policemen (only if they are there to arrest a smoker) and finally a cleaner (well if the site is not cleaned before oppeing time that is bad management)


All in All you are talking a load of the brown stuff. sorry please excuse me I have to go I have a take away at the back door, but as I have been smoking at the back door I have to walk out in the snow from the front door to the back door to collect my delivery.


And yes we have 6 inches of snow. Go and have a common sence injection and try and listen to what people are trying to say.

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I am adding my twopenath, if you don’t like it you are the one with the problem not me ……… threads are “open” for all to comment on.


But you haven't added anything, let alone two pennorth.


If you actually have anything to say, then please say it.

I suspect that you just can't find anything to say so you decided to try and hijack the thread and you are simply proving that solid arguments against my suggestion are few and far between, if there are any at all.

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No, not at all - simply a few smoking pubs so that we can enjoy ourselves without being a nuisance to non-smokers.


Your second paragraph is just too silly to warrant an answer - constructive comments, either for or against, only please


Workers health in public buildings was one of the main reasons the smoking ban was made law, not the request of non smokers.


Smoking is a hobby which is addictive. For decades that addiction has spoilt the enjoyment of others.


The majority of the public support the ban.


The best thing is to keep the addiction in private, it really is the best for everyone.

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