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Smoking establishments - Debate, not abuse.


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The idea of my suggestion is to separate smokers and non-smokers completely in different buildings and in their outside grounds.

I am afraid that the attitude of the smoke haters makes no other option available.


Except that wouldn't work would it - how many social groups are made up of all smokers or all none-smokers? Very few, in my experience. Of the smokers I know (in their twenties), most are quite happy with the situation now. As a none-smoker, I'm quite happy with the idea of being able to smoke outside in pubs, and we usually end up sitting outside as a compromise. Many more pubs have got outside areas now as well, which is nicer in the summer.


I think that generally speaking, most people who've grown up with the smoking ban (it came in when I was 20) seem fine with it. Those who are older tend to kick up the biggest fuss about having to change.


I suspect it was exactly the same when they banned smoking in normal workplaces and shops (as mentioned before). There will be a few years yet of debate, but eventually, people will just forget about it.

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Except that wouldn't work would it - how many social groups are made up of all smokers or all none-smokers? Very few, in my experience. Of the smokers I know (in their twenties), most are quite happy with the situation now. As a none-smoker, I'm quite happy with the idea of being able to smoke outside in pubs, and we usually end up sitting outside as a compromise. Many more pubs have got outside areas now as well, which is nicer in the summer.


I think that generally speaking, most people who've grown up with the smoking ban (it came in when I was 20) seem fine with it. Those who are older tend to kick up the biggest fuss about having to change.


I suspect it was exactly the same when they banned smoking in normal workplaces and shops (as mentioned before). There will be a few years yet of debate, but eventually, people will just forget about it.


Again, you are quite entitled to your view - I think it would work fine but whether it did or not, it would be a chance for EVERY group with differing opinions, to follow their own inclinations rather than one group deciding for everyone.


You are also speaking from the viewpoint of very young people who have known little else and who find less hardship in being outside than older people do - you will understand this a little more when you are older.


May I repeat that this thread arose, not because of smoking in pubs, but because many non-smokers were moaning about us smoking OUTSIDE.


You may believe that eventually, people will forget it - I take the opposite view.

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Find me a smoker who thinks I am abusing him/her by smoking in front of them and I will find you a few thousand who would say I'm not.


With reference to abusing myself, we all do this to some extent in many different ways - some with alcohol, some with other drugs, some with extremely unhealthy diets, some with lack of exercise.


I only drink around the recommended limits, eat a very good and healthy diet and exercise every day so my abuse of myself is probably less than most peoples.

The main thing is that I, AND ONLY I, have any right to decide on whether I abuse my body and to what extent, and will not have any anti this or anti that fanatics pontificating to me what I should do.


I don't spend my time telling non-smokers that they should smoke so I would like them to extend the same courtesy to me.



That's the worse excuse for smoking if I ever heard one...it's all part of a self denial process. The onus isn't on what other smokers think of your habit, the onus is on you and your habit and how you conduct yourself. You can't deny your habit just because of what you think another smoker thinks. Take responsibility for your action rather than offloading it onto others.


Seems ironic when you pontificate with "I, AND ONLY I, have any right" on how you abuse your body...well I spose your right but you don't have the right to abuse others even if they decide to abuse themselves.



Maybe they wouldn't give a damn if they didn't care.

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That's the worse excuse for smoking if I ever heard one...it's all part of a self denial process. The onus isn't on what other smokers think of your habit, the onus is on you and your habit and how you conduct yourself. You can't deny your habit just because of what you think another smoker thinks. Take responsibility for your action rather than offloading it onto others.


Seems ironic when you pontificate with "I, AND ONLY I, have any right" on how you abuse your body...well I spose your right but you don't have the right to abuse others even if they decide to abuse themselves.



Maybe they wouldn't give a damn if they didn't care.



I don't need ANY excuse for smoking - I do as I please within the letter of the law.


The onus isn't on me to do anything unless I want to - the onus on you is to mind your own business and don't try to tell me what to do.


I don't deny anything - I don't need to because again, it's no business of yours.


I will take responsibility as and when I feel like it - got the drift yet?


Quote you: "Seems ironic when you pontificate with "I, AND ONLY I, have any right" on how you abuse your body...well I spose your right but you don't have the right to abuse others even if they decide to abuse themselves.


Yes, I AM RIGHT and I don't abuse others - if I did, I would expect them to take it up with me and certainly wouldn't need you to interfere in something which is nothing whatsoever to do with you.

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I don't need ANY excuse for smoking - I do as I please within the letter of the law.


The onus isn't on me to do anything unless I want to - the onus on you is to mind your own business and don't try to tell me what to do.


I don't deny anything - I don't need to because again, it's no business of yours.


I will take responsibility as and when I feel like it - got the drift yet?


Quote you: "Seems ironic when you pontificate with "I, AND ONLY I, have any right" on how you abuse your body...well I spose your right] but you don't have the right to abuse others even if they decide to abuse themselves.


Yes, I AM RIGHT and I don't abuse others - if I did, I would expect them to take it up with me and certainly wouldn't need you to interfere in something which is nothing whatsoever to do with you.


No...you're wrong and that's the problem with addiction, addiction does that to you, it forces you into self denial to justify your need even at the cost of others....any excuse even if it's "nothing to do with you". It has everything to do with everyone when you're a walking advert for everything that is wrong about addiction. If you wish to do it in the confines of your home without inflicting on others then that's fine..kill yourself slowly..but to justify smoking because you're in the presence of others who smoke, and would like to see the law take a backward step, is like your addiction, weak!


If your addicted and you don't give a hoot on the effects of those around you and all it's about is you, then again fine. But at least have the balls to say so rather than 'addiction' rhetoric.


Me telling you smoking is bad may pull at your guilt but it doesn't effect you healthwise...you telling me to 'mind my own business' doesn't effect me either, but blowing your crap in my space does. You can bandy with words all you like..it won't make a blind bit of difference..it's how you perform that's the issue.

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I've no issue with smokers per se, my folks both smoke, as do some of my friends.


This issue is where they block the doorway (but again the people above don't do this), throw their fag ends on the floor and also out of car windows, often still burning,


Moving out of the doorway (usually when having to be asked) and they move an inch and / or whinge doesn't sort the problem because you still have to wade though a cloud of smoke.


That, and the bad attitude- that you think we hate you or are out to get you and spoil your fun / life. Its that mindset and the fact you smokers can't see that which non smokers hate, not the actual act.


Its very similar to Aspergers. The people with it can be rude and obnoxious, but they cannot see it because of their condition, and no amount of logic and reasoning can make them see sense or right. Rich from this very forum springs to mind. (Hope you're doing well buddy if you're still out there).

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No...you're wrong and that's the problem with addiction, addiction does that to you, it forces you into self denial to justify your need even at the cost of others....any excuse even if it's "nothing to do with you". It has everything to do with everyone when you're a walking advert for everything that is wrong about addiction. If you wish to do it in the confines of your home without inflicting on others then that's fine..kill yourself slowly..but to justify smoking because you're in the presence of others who smoke, and would like to see the law take a backward step, is like your addiction, weak!


If your addicted and you don't give a hoot on the effects of those around you and all it's about is you, then again fine. But at least have the balls to say so rather than 'addiction' rhetoric.


Me telling you smoking is bad may pull at your guilt but it doesn't effect you healthwise...you telling me to 'mind my own business' doesn't effect me either, but blowing your crap in my space does. You can bandy with words all you like..it won't make a blind bit of difference..it's how you perform that's the issue.


Oh, I,m wrong again am I? - how surprising that one of the super intelligent, anti-smoking brigade should know better than I - aren't I a silly billy?

You perfect anti-smoking specimens of humanity do make me laugh - you're not only control freak miseries but all seem to have a would-be-God complex too.


Let me inform you again that, I am not in the business of denial or excuses - I do what I please, when I please and if you think I'm harming anyone else and want to fret about it - feel free - I care not.


You think that your "telling me smoking is bad may pull at my guilt" - are you for real? - I would never take notice of a delusion filled busybody like you if my life depended on it.


It's hard to decide whether you are having a laugh and a bit of fun to try and wind me up or whether you're completely crackers but it doesn't really matter because, when you're so close to losing it, I don't want to push you over the edge completely.


In view of that, I shall no longer credit your posts on this subject as worthy of reply but feel free to continue contributing because your god-like comments must be cheering the other smokers up.


PS Only just noticed your pen name - I must be slipping - THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.

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I don't need ANY excuse for smoking - I do as I please within the letter of the law.


The onus isn't on me to do anything unless I want to - the onus on you is to mind your own business and don't try to tell me what to do.


I don't deny anything - I don't need to because again, it's no business of yours.


I will take responsibility as and when I feel like it - got the drift yet?


Quote you: "Seems ironic when you pontificate with "I, AND ONLY I, have any right" on how you abuse your body...well I spose your right but you don't have the right to abuse others even if they decide to abuse themselves.


Yes, I AM RIGHT and I don't abuse others - if I did, I would expect them to take it up with me and certainly wouldn't need you to interfere in something which is nothing whatsoever to do with you.


That's cool, and of course we have the right to laugh at you through the pub windows whilst you are freezing your nuts off outside having a cig.:D:hihi::D:hihi:

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