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The euro project - Margaret Thatcher is proven right

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But the lack of flexibility for sovereign nations is making it worse than it needs to be.


Not joining the Euro was one of Thatcher's very few successes.


Add the succesful prosecution of the Falklands war, bringing to heel strike happy unions headed by leaders wuth political agendas and restoring Britain as a country to be respected throughout the rest of Europe and the world after decades of being referred to as the sick man of Europe.


Not a bad record for any leader

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Would that be the party of sound economic governance by any chance?:hihi::hihi::hihi:


I think in years to come Lamont and Dismal Johnny will be considered competant compared to Dave, Nick and George.


A 5% interest rate rise in one day ant the still couldn’t prop up the pound and they have the cheek to accuse Brown of mismanagement.

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And they had some successes with their Mirage figfhters also.


Our Sea Harriers, and your all-aspect Sidewinder AIM-9L, took care of that little problem.


Mind you, the UK <> US relationship was better under Reagan and Thatcher than it is now, presumably because Blair, slimy politician that he is, was only interested in feathering his own nest when bending over for both the US and Europe...

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