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The euro project - Margaret Thatcher is proven right

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What about overseas exports? Sheffield cutlery was on every table around the world until the Japs got into the business now the Chinese are making the stuff which is crap but a lot cheaper


A tad of topic but I was shocked when visiting Lucca, Italy earlier in the year to see a Sheffield Silver tea set for sale along with a large number of other Sheffield Silver items in a shop.


Edit: After googling Sheffield silver, I'm even more shocked to see there is or was a company called "The Sheffield Silver Co" that made silver tea sets in the USA.


Ref: http://www.instappraisal.com/content/silver-tea-service-sheffield-silver-co-6-pieces

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A tad of topic but I was shocked when visiting Lucca, Italy earlier in the year to see a Sheffield Silver tea set for sale along with a large number of other Sheffield Silver items in a shop.


Edit: After googling Sheffield silver, I'm even more shocked to see there is or was a company called "The Sheffield Silver Co" that made silver tea sets in the USA.Ref: http://www.instappraisal.com/content/silver-tea-service-sheffield-silver-co-6-pieces


It's called name pirating. But they still have to stamp "made in the USA" on the product so it shouldn't fool anyone except those who dont bother to look a little closer

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  • 1 year later...
Given Thatcher's xenophobic attitude to all things continental, isn't her being correct about a failing in the Eurozone about as significant as a broken clock being correct twice a day?


Not necessarily. She was a massively intelligent person and almost anyone with an ounce of sense could see the endgame, before the Euro began. Even I spotted it over a year ago:D


Thatcher's problem with the EU, which became Major's problem, which has become Cameron's problem is the sheer number of anti-Europeans in the Tory party and their willingness to rock the boat. This prevents them from developing a coherent and sensible policy on trade with the EU, whilst avoiding the worst of the Eurocracy.


Mind you Labour fared no better and the Lib Dems would sell their Grannies to integrate with Europe.

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Sheffield's industry was based on steel (why should I be telling you the obvious) but once the steel industry went down the city felt the pain.


Not just Sheffield either. Many steel manufacturing regions in the eastern US states become blighted also and worse off since laid off employees didn't get the same unemployment benefits than their British counterparts.


Blame it all on foreign competition. Cheap labour equals cheaper prices. Cheaper prices attract the buyers



Harleyman, you've just reposted a link to copyright content, I suggest you turn yourself in to the authorities and report the owner of this site.

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The Euro is disappearing up its own backside because countries like Greece lied to get in in the first place.


The Euro is disappearing up its own backside because countries like Greece we allowed lie to get in in the first place.


Corrected the post for you.

Everyone knew such countries were cooking the books but the big powers were all pushing for the same stupidity so let them do it.

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With regards to Margaret Thacher's stance on Europe, didn'r she sign the Single European Act in 1986 which increased the European Commission's powers. And didn't she also take us into the Exchange Rate Mechanism?


Yes, but you try and get a Thatcherite to admit it. She also loved the Yanks so much she sent her son Mark over to live there until his criminal record meant he was refused a resident visa. You have to say she preaches one thing and does the opposite.

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