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Wanted: Swearing Down Lessons.

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I`m reading a lot of statuses on Facebook where people are doing something called "Swearing Down".


`I swear down that I`m gonna kill that little tart!` was one example.


Now, I was in town the other day and I heared a young lady actually Say it and although I looked at her she wasnt doing anything exceptional, just glaring at a toddler as she said `I swear daaaaaaaaaahn that A`ll slap thi!`



Never heared the term until recently, and as a young, gregarious rake of a man I`d like to know what it means and exactly how to do it so I can say it as often as possible at soyrees as I`m scoffin my horses duvres and stuff over the party season.


I sort of assume you get a step ladder, carry it around with you, and when the opportunity to say `I swear down!` arises, you set the ladder up, climb it, look down and swear....


According to several people on Facebook thats totally wrong...


So, my little chicky-wiggles.... anybody willing to give Swearing down lessons....?



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I believe its based on the biblical idea of swearing before God.

Of course they probably think its an alternative for saying "f***" in public.


Above all, my brothers, do not swear--not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. (Least of all by God which is blasphemy.) Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned. (James 5:12)



But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne; (Matthew 5:34)



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It appears to be a foul and wretched phrase adopted by the lower orders to bring emphasis to any statement they make - Such as "Swear down on Jeremy Kyle's dead nan's life!".


The swearing down always seems to be on items of sentimental value, Nan's grave, babie's lives etc etc. I'm of the opinion that people should go back to proper oathes or swearing upon their testicles.

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So far I`ve only read it on Sheffielders` Facebook but I actually heared it in Leicestershire....


Seems to be a relatively new thing and as a dedicated follower of fashion, I WILL be using the phrase as often as possible in future, I swear down I will!

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Above all, my brothers, do not swear--not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. (Least of all by God which is blasphemy.) Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned. (James 5:12)



But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne; (Matthew 5:34)


You started me off now, you bad, bad man! I wanted a peaceful Sunday but now you appear to have got my mind working!


I wonder if they actually swore in ancient times and what those swear words were composed of... I`m now wondering what the very first swear word was and how it was decided it was to be a bad word.


Thats my Sunday Buggered! :D

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