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Not a bright Idea!!

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I really don't undersatand some people. I went for a walk an hour or so ago

when i came a cross a guy on-top of a alluminum ladder putting up Xmas decorations, now it was pretty obvious the snow had turned to ice so why in gods name stand a ladder on it :loopy:, why climb up the best part of 30' without any head protection even more so just having a t shirt on and jogging bottoms. Is so important to put up outside decoration so early with out a thought that you could kill yourself or is it just plain stupidity.

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It is just plain stupidity, it's not even December yet. What happened to having them up 12 days before and taking them down 12 days after?
you aren't supposed to have them up for 24 days just 12 days, hence the carol. Twelfth night is when parts of mainland Europe traditionally give presents. Spain, Italy and Portugal do that I think
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