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Wikileaks under dos attack

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Have you asked yourself why Assange was denied bail with the judge expressing the opinion that he was likely to do a runner?

He walked into a police station of his own accord!


He knows they knew where he was, it was on the news before the proper warrant came through.


I'd class him as a fight risk! Wouldn't you?

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What makes you think that Megrahi walking free after the second appeal was a done deal?


Maybe, because the evidence presented at the initial trial was poor/based on misinformation and he was not the bomber (simply another US scapegoat).

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Some might say that it is "government intervention" that has seen the case reopened. This whole business stinks to high heaven IMO.

I lived in Sweden for 7 years and I know how the judicial system operates. When a chief prosecutor throws a case out and publicly declares the charges "ridiculous" my suspicions are strongly aroused.

Have you asked yourself why Assange was denied bail with the judge expressing the opinion that he was likely to do a runner?

He walked into a police station of his own accord!


I am Swedish, and I have many many relatives. Some of whom have participated in class actions against the police for brutality, plus several involved with governmental organisations that work closely with the judicial system (e.g. probation, rehabilition, drug rehab). I am interested in how the Swedish judicial system operates.


Would you like to expand on your understanding on how your knowledge of the judicial system has influenced your thinking on this and why Eva Finné has not overruled the second prosecutor?

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I am Swedish, and I have many many relatives. Some of whom have participated in class actions against the police for brutality, plus several involved with governmental organisations that work closely with the judicial system (e.g. probation, rehabilition, drug rehab). I am interested in how the Swedish judicial system operates.


Would you like to expand on your understanding on how your knowledge of the judicial system has influenced your thinking on this and why Eva Finné has not overruled the second prosecutor?


Please forgive me I didn't know you were Swedish. :) Hope I didn't come across as patronising you by mentioning it.


My experience comes first hand from two years in a swedish prison. What percentage of prisoners in jails are swedish nationals? Has it altered since the late 80's?


I don't understand the question about Eva Finne. In what way can she overrule the second prosecutor?


On a tangent...what part of Sweden are you from? I lived in Waxholm for 5 years and Stockholm the remaining two. Waxholm is stunningly beautiful and I smile when I remember cars driving across the frozen sea to Vexjo at this time of year.

Apologies to the OP and everyone else for my chatty bit...back to the subject.

I'll come clean and tell you that I am minded to believe that this trial has more to do with Assange's Wikileaks activities than his sexual activities. I'm not in any way a conspiracy theorist but I'm an avid devourer of information on whatever subject takes my interest and this case smacks of behind the scenes decisions taken some time ago...when the first leaks on Iraq were published.

Time will tell who is right and wrong. :)


Oh dear...I'm passing it off as a "senior moment"...now I see it. I have absolutely no idea why Eva Finne does not overrule.

Especially so when I see what she is quoted as saying the first time around. Your guess is as good as mine.

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Please forgive me I didn't know you were Swedish. :) Hope I didn't come across as patronising you by mentioning it.

Not at all, my position really is one of ignorance. The views I get from my relatives, as you can imagine, run the full gamut.

My experience comes first hand from two years in a swedish prison. What percentage of prisoners in jails are swedish nationals? Has it altered since the late 80's?


I don't understand the question about Eva Finne. In what way can she overrule the second prosecutor?

The same way she overruled the first one? I really don't know but I was under the impression she did

On a tangent...what part of Sweden are you from?

Jag är en Skåning! Vi flyger vår egen flagga tack!

I'll come clean and tell you that I am minded to believe that this trial has more to do with Assange's Wikileaks activities than his sexual activities. I'm not in any way a conspiracy theorist but I'm an avid devourer of information on whatever subject takes my interest and this case smacks of behind the scenes decisions taken some time ago...when the first leaks on Iraq were published.

Time will tell who is right and wrong. :)


I think you can ask plenty of questions about the trial and legal process, but until the allegations are withdrawn or proven one way or the other, it's not conducive to justice to discuss the details of the allegations.


I notice that the Swedish government has given a grant for technological micropayment firm Flattr. Interestingly Flattr was started by a member of Piratbyrån, and is one of the few firms able to and willing to take donations on behalf of wikileaks at the moment.

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Here's an interesting/scary article by Johann Hari in yesterday's Independant:




The cables reveal how this grief and murderous rage is being spread across the Muslim world, while we lie about it. Here’s just one example. US troops blew up an Afghan village called Azizabad, and killed 95 people, 50 of them children. None were al Qaeda, or even Taliban. They knew what they’d done – yet in public they kept insisting they’d killed “militants”, and even accused the local Afghan villagers of “fabricat[ing] such evidence as grave sites.”



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Not at all, my position really is one of ignorance. The views I get from my relatives, as you can imagine, run the full gamut.


The same way she overruled the first one? I really don't know but I was under the impression she did


Jag är en Skåning! Vi flyger vår egen flagga tack!



I think you can ask plenty of questions about the trial and legal process, but until the allegations are withdrawn or proven one way or the other, it's not conducive to justice to discuss the details of the allegations.

I notice that the Swedish government has given a grant for technological micropayment firm Flattr. Interestingly Flattr was started by a member of Piratbyrån, and is one of the few firms able to and willing to take donations on behalf of wikileaks at the moment.


I take your point. I will add though that I don't think what we forummers discuss is likely to matter much. It's often my experience that public opinion counts for little outside of the hustings. Colour me cynical.

What goes in in the media is different and I'm with you on that one.


Being the technophobe I am I'm impressed that you wrote in Swedish. It hadn't ocurred to me that you could use different languages...DOH! Tusen tack!


Keep flying the flag. :)

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