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Wikileaks under dos attack

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Nothing good will come out of these leaks. Assange may be walking around with a smirk on his face but in the long run the damage he's done will have repercussions for everyone


I'd agree on the big picture that this will cause a lot of damage to a lot of people.


The only plus side is watching Clinton squirm like a maggot on a hook.

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He's probably the fall guy.


I don't really believe anything the American Government say or do to be honest, all this is probably some kind of false flag game they're playing so they can make more laws to take away its peoples rights even further..


Eventually, the internet will be regulated so tightly, we'll only be able to get controlled sites like the BBC and Sky so they can feed us even more of their crap.


Hope I'm wrong..


People, out of habit, and a hell of a lot of public advertising, will follow the same trusted sites. Be they trustworthy or not.

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The thing about DDoS attacks is that they are very effective and becoming easier and easier to do. You only need to look at the attacks on ACS:Law over anti pirating actions.


A group all download "low orbit ion cannon" follow the instruction and off you go. A bunch of kids drop an entire company.


If kids can do that then i'm sure the US military would have no problem.


As a kid i would have loved to be involved in this kind of stuff. Very easy, very anonamous and very anarchic. I'm suprised we don't see more.


Wikileaks is very well distributed and mirror. It also has lots of mirrors in countries that aren't likely to co-operate with the US. I don't think they be able to down it or stop it for long.

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Could it not also be down to a huge number of people trying to access the material on the site.


I'm not that hot on computer stuff so maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree.


No, I think you're just applying a bit of common sense rather than going for the most outlandish and exciting possibility.

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It did occur to me that Wikileaks might be a tool by which the Yanks spread disinformation to their enemies by burying it within a mass of slightly embarasing tittle tattle.


This occurred to me, especially once I heard some of the first stories to break.

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