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Some help would be great- problems with my S reg Fiesta

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hey all. Hope everyones having better luck than myself. Have a s reg fiesta with 32thousand on the clock all genuine. Went to turn on today and was fine drove to get some petrol got a mile away after filling up noticed smoke then looked at temp gauge and was in red pulled up and to my surprise the water tank was steaming let the pressure out. Filled back up with water and got 1 mile down the road and it happened again now it might sound silly but i never knew about antifreeze so i never had any in. My friend came with some and tried to bleed it out just keeps bubbling now when it gets to a certain temp and i really dont have money to get it sorted. So does anyone have any ideas what it could be or even better a solution??. Tthanks very much all replys are thanked. Zoe

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Could be one of two things;


Thermostat stuck--about £12 for stat and 5 mins to change


Head gasket gone--about £30 for gasket but would be charged a few hundered quid to have done at a garage as the cambelt/chain has to be removed and the cylinder head taken off and skimmed.



As for the black smoke after filling up????? Is there any chance you could have put the wrong fuel in??? The wrong fuel in a car could cause the head gasket to blow.

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Hi, It sounds like your Head gasket has blown,this could also be a cracked cylinder head if you aint had any Anti freeze in the system.


If its the head gasket,your talking about £300 to have it skimmed, if its a cracked head, maybe a little more.


Hope you get it sorted soon.

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right thanks for replies so far guys not head gasket as no black smoke or yogurt..only way i can discribe is like pressure of airlock but was driving fine yesterday. Not wrong fuel lol but thanks for the giggle.thermostat few people told me this

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If you had no antifreeze in any number of things can have gone wrong since the temperature has been so low. Cracked cylinder block for one. This would cause water leakage into cylinders or oil ways.


Draining and retopping up could have left an air bubble in the system which would cause overheating. Plus, if the system is boiling then the sealed pressure in the cooling system must be compromised due to a leak. No easy fix unless the system is drained, topped up with 50/50 antifreeze and all air bled out.


Is there water in the oil?


Is there an excessive amount of steam from exhaust (although most cars steam when it's this cold)?


Is water being lost?

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hey all. Hope everyones having better luck than myself. Have a s reg fiesta with 32thousand on the clock all genuine. Went to turn on today and was fine drove to get some petrol got a mile away after filling up noticed smoke then looked at temp gauge and was in red pulled up and to my surprise the water tank was steaming let the pressure out. Filled back up with water and got 1 mile down the road and it happened again now it might sound silly but i never knew about antifreeze so i never had any in. My friend came with some and tried to bleed it out just keeps bubbling now when it gets to a certain temp and i really dont have money to get it sorted. So does anyone have any ideas what it could be or even better a solution??. Tthanks very much all replys are thanked. Zoe


Its also possible you have a frozen radiator or other part of the water jacket. this could be frozen solid so the water cannot circulate. Just keep your fingers crossed that this may clear (hence the bubbling) Otherwise it could be any of the above mentioned replies.

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