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Family court trouble

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Is it just me or does anyone think that family courts system need a total overhaul. They drag there heels and who ever gets their accusations in first are the preferred party and have to prove nothing.

Its also a big money making scam for the courts and solicitors alike. Its like there is a pot of money and they are gonna use every last penny of it at a family's emotional expense.

To be honest its not all about the kids involved, its about barristers playing tit for tat games to boost their egos.

I could go on about this all night.

I just wondered what other peoples opinion was of the system. Not just Fathers but Mothers too. As it is hell for all parties involved.

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Its also a big money making scam for the courts and solicitors alike. Its like there is a pot of money and they are gonna use every last penny of it at a family's emotional expense.


I'd like the whole legal aid system to be overhauled, but the lawyers wouldn't stand for that.


And if there's one thing Tony Bliar liked stuffing in his cabinet, it was lawyers :D



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I'd like the whole legal aid system to be overhauled, but the lawyers wouldn't stand for that.


And if there's one thing Tony Bliar liked stuffing in his cabinet, it was lawyers :D




Legal aid for family matters are being cut. So tha means evil parents that take the children have the upper hand as the cost of court is so expensive. I know, my partner and I have sold our house to fund it.

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I'd like the whole legal aid system to be overhauled, but the lawyers wouldn't stand for that.



Have you been living under a rock for the past few weeks? Legal Aid is being cut severely and whole areas of law have had legal aid removed entirely.


Some details are here....





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Cutting legal aid is going to be a disaster. Watch how many kids will grow up not knowing what happened to the other parent. Just because they are on a low income and cant afford to fight for there kids cos there is no help.

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Cutting legal aid is going to be a disaster. Watch how many kids will grow up not knowing what happened to the other parent. Just because they are on a low income and cant afford to fight for there kids cos there is no help.


Surely both parents owe it to their child/children to behave like rational adults. Regardless of what they think of the other person who they had a child with, they need to remember that the child is the most important person - so why not just do their best for that child without getting courts and lawyers involved?


There are plenty of families where parents are no longer together, but who manage to be civil to each other and to remember they are jointly responsible for their child/ren. Unless there are strong reasons why one parent shouldn't be involved with their children (violence etc) then child care and access should be arranged sensibly around the child's best interests.

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Surely both parents owe it to their child/children to behave like rational adults. Regardless of what they think of the other person who they had a child with, they need to remember that the child is the most important person - so why not just do their best for that child without getting courts and lawyers involved?


There are plenty of families where parents are no longer together, but who manage to be civil to each other and to remember they are jointly responsible for their child/ren. Unless there are strong reasons why one parent shouldn't be involved with their children (violence etc) then child care and access should be arranged sensibly around the child's best interests.


Whilst i totally agree, there are a lot of people who use their kids as a weapon and stop the other party from any sort of contact. The kids best interest is not the most important thing to these folks. The family courts and CAFCASS have been systematically helping these people destroy the lives of kids in the interest of making money through long drawn out cases and contact centres. One day someone with some authority will have to use these services and see how badly run they are. The system hides behind a closed court policy so what is passed in court is final there is no complaints procedure.:rant:

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