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Royal Mail deliveries in Snow - Sheffield Area

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I share a lot of your frustrations Neilw but calling to sack the whole RM workforce is hardly productive, and as for supporting cheap foreign labour with no TU representation well, lets just say I wouldn't want to live or work in your world. I do agree that RM in general needs a bit of a kick up the backside but I don't support privatisation, at least not yet. Thats not to say that lessons can't be learned from private couriers however.


Privatisation is not the majic cure; People used to complain about British Rail and now look at the rail network thats its in private hands. BR was never this bad, believe me. Dozens of different companies, owning different parts of the network and every single one of them over charging for an averagel service at best. No co ordination or co operation between them on any level plus a sheer unwillingness to improve the infrastructure from the vast profits they make off us. Notice how the rail network also shut down very quickly when the snow came.



RM gets it right most of the time it just doesn't deal with change or crisis very well.



Well S12 finally got some post today but no parcels yet :(. I suppose its a step in the right direction.


It's all about accountability. The RM are a typical public sector organisation, much like the NHS - they think they exist for their own benefit, not for the good of it's customers. The unions have a lot to answer for - remember the strikes last year when the RM management tried to get posties to work a full day like the rest of us?


The RM is part of the critical infrastructure of the country. It is simply not acceptable that businesses and individuals should receive no mail whatsoever for 9 days and no-one is accountable. My business is suffering badly, some will be on the brink. Does the CWU give the slightest toss about mine or anyone elses business? No, they despise business in all its forms.

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Along the lines of Neilw's post. Slightly OT but previous to the weather, 25th October to be precise, we came home from an overnight stay away, to two 'while you were out cards'. They were dated 23 October and the postman/delivery man had additionally written 'Saturday' on them both. I know for a fact that this was fictitious, because my OH and I were at home on the Saturday, allbeit not at the alleged time of delivery - 10.20am - but we would have found them at 1pm when we returned home from shopping and lunch.


At the sorting office they weren't remotely bothered, but I had to say something as the blatant lying on the card really bugged me.


sounds to me that when your postman 'additionally' wrote Saturday on them that was when you could pick the items up?

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I used to be mates with a postie who told me this was very common practice. Our old postie regularly dropped cards even when I was in the house, despite a sign on the door saying that "I am in". They can't be arsed to wait 10 seconds for you to answer the door and sign, because they want to finish their round as fast as possible and get to the pub. :rant:


:loopy: yeh, I'm sure all the posties can't b arsed to wait for you to answer the door to give you your parcel because they like having your parcel in their bag soooooo much that they want to continue lugging it around with them for another few hours. :suspect:

It's all very well you lot babbling on about how crap the posties are and how they do such a crap job when you clearly know nothing about what really goes on and to say they are with holding mail just to deliver it on an over time rate is just plain stupid quite frankly.

Royal mail is run badly as a business. Yes. Some post men/women are crap. Yes,

and some of the management are even friggin worse.....

But they aren't all the same some actually do try their best for the public but people like you are too far up their own bottoms to see that.

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It's all about accountability. The RM are a typical public sector organisation, much like the NHS - they think they exist for their own benefit, not for the good of it's customers. The unions have a lot to answer for - remember the strikes last year when the RM management tried to get posties to work a full day like the rest of us?


The RM is part of the critical infrastructure of the country. It is simply not acceptable that businesses and individuals should receive no mail whatsoever for 9 days and no-one is accountable. My business is suffering badly, some will be on the brink. Does the CWU give the slightest toss about mine or anyone elses business? No, they despise business in all its forms.



Like I said, I agree that they need a rocket. They need to evolve and become more customer focussed but I don't see privatisation as a solution.


Belive it or not they are accountable to us, I know it doesn't feel like it sometimes, but they are. If private companies take over they become accountable to shareholders primarily, customers second. Thats my worry with selling them off.


Prices wil go up and I am not convinced that service will improve dramatically. The national post network is a large and complicated beast.


That aside I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must be for you and those like you who depend on mail for your business, I do feel for you mate. Hopefully things should get back to normal soon.

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:loopy: yeh, I'm sure all the posties can't b arsed to wait for you to answer the door to give you your parcel because they like having your parcel in their bag soooooo much that they want to continue lugging it around with them for another few hours. :suspect:

It's all very well you lot babbling on about how crap the posties are and how they do such a crap job when you clearly know nothing about what really goes on and to say they are with holding mail just to deliver it on an over time rate is just plain stupid quite frankly.

Royal mail is run badly as a business. Yes. Some post men/women are crap. Yes,

and some of the management are even friggin worse.....

But they aren't all the same some actually do try their best for the public but people like you are too far up their own bottoms to see that.


Well said.:cool:

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It's all about accountability. The RM are a typical public sector organisation, much like the NHS - they think they exist for their own benefit, not for the good of it's customers. The unions have a lot to answer for - remember the strikes last year when the RM management tried to get posties to work a full day like the rest of us?


The RM is part of the critical infrastructure of the country. It is simply not acceptable that businesses and individuals should receive no mail whatsoever for 9 days and no-one is accountable. My business is suffering badly, some will be on the brink. Does the CWU give the slightest toss about mine or anyone elses business? No, they despise business in all its forms.


You need to join a good union pal.

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:loopy: yeh, I'm sure all the posties can't b arsed to wait for you to answer the door to give you your parcel because they like having your parcel in their bag soooooo much that they want to continue lugging it around with them for another few hours. :suspect:

It's all very well you lot babbling on about how crap the posties are and how they do such a crap job when you clearly know nothing about what really goes on and to say they are with holding mail just to deliver it on an over time rate is just plain stupid quite frankly.

Royal mail is run badly as a business. Yes. Some post men/women are crap. Yes,

and some of the management are even friggin worse.....

But they aren't all the same some actually do try their best for the public but people like you are too far up their own bottoms to see that.


The explain why they drop cards on people when they are clearly at home? Don't deny that this definitely happens on a fairly regular basis. It certainly doesn't happen with private courier companies in my experience.


Up my own a**e? - err, no, I just demand the level of service that we pay for and are not getting. It's a pity the UK public were not more demanding of services in general. If this was a private company without a monopoly, they would have gone out of business decades ago. The general public (not just me) are sick of posties whinging - if they don't like the conditions then the simple solution is to find a job that they do like doing, and let a hard working eastern European take their place, it's perfectly simply. Tell me, if delivering the post has been impossible for 9 days then how come the milkman and the paperboy (on his bike for god's sake!) can manage to get around?


I can only assume that you are not losing money because of the rank imcompetence of the RM organisation and it's union dictators.

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You've hit the nail firmly and squarely on the head with your comment about Sunday deliveries. This has got little to do with the weather. This is all about overtime in the run-up to Christmas. The backlog of mail is sat in the delivery offices, sorted and ready to go. However, the cynical CWU union has instructed "our members" not to deliver on the pretence of health & safety issues so that they can work at weekends and coin in all the overtime - at OUR expense!


All the talk about prioritising letters is utter tosh. I live at the top of Meadowhead (nice and flat) and I have not had any post whatsoever since last Monday. I run a business from home and normally receive 6-10 envelopes every day, plus about a dozen parcels per week. Not one single item has been delivered. This is because the posties refuse to deliver more than 1 mile (exactly) from their point of collection when the weather is deemed (presumably by some trumped-up marxist shop steward) to be too bad. I've just spoken to a bloke who told me of a ludicrous situation where he lives - one side of the road has received mail whereas the other side has got nothing because they fall outside the 1 mile limit. You couldn't make it up!


To make matters worse - and this is the part that really boils my pi55 - this morning I walked (on my own 2 feet with no assistance, more than 1 mile) down to the Woodseats delivery office and joined the considerable queue of other equally brassed off people. I should have realised after 10 minutes what was going to happen, judging by the other folk leaving empty handed. On reaching the front of the queue, I was told (lied to) that there was nothing to collect because the postie was out with the deliveries. Now, I live on a road with 47 other houses, so the postie would need a damn big sack to carry 9 days worth of mail to 48 houses! The delivery office are knowingly telling lies. They knew full well that the postie was not delivering on our road. I firmly believe that my mail (which includes at least 7 cheques) is sat at the bottom of Woodseats Road, but the staff are refusing to release it so that they can claim overtime for delivering it at weekends.


The government should very quickly privatise the RM and put on them a statutory obligation to deliver mail within 3 working days unless the situation is deemed, by an independent body, to be so serious that deliveries can't be made. Better still, get rid of the CWU and sack every postie and bring in Polish workers. They will work much harder in much harsher weather for much lower wages - without complaint. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Ever thought of writing novels ?


Fantasy fiction would be your forte I reckon.

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