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Royal Mail deliveries in Snow - Sheffield Area

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i can't speak for your delivery office, just my own (S11). apart from the day we had the really heavy snow and no mail came up from the mail centre, so we got sent home, we have worked EVERY day. our vans, of which i am the driver of one of them, have gone out every day and the footmen have also gone out everyday, admittedly not their entire walks everday, but where they haven't gone one day they have gone the next. if you put aside that day we got sent home, i personally haven't had a day off since the 27th of November, that includes Sunday, so i am quite livid that people come on here and call us lazy, workshy so and so's. i don't know how your delivery office works but that is the situation at ours.


People from most postcodes went well over a week with no post in sheffield so i dont believe your office sent posties out everyday, sorry but we had NO post in S6 and my family the same in S11 ans S10!


I had some weds and tues this week for the first time in 2 weeks, then nothing today!! Its a complete joke!!!

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From http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-11947501



"However our members have been asked to remain aware of safety hazards and if they feel their delivery walk has become too dangerous or inaccessible due to poor weather, managers will support their decision not to carry on and will encourage them to return to the office."


I think I know where the finger is pointing now...


I apologise if more than one sentence at a time is too much for you! :rolleyes: And there should be a comma after the word "posts".

No backlog on my round,pity you do not live in my area :)

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Woodseats delivery office clearly does not work judging by the complaints from S8 on here. For not a single item of mail to get to any address on a perfectly flat road suggest a very very serious problem with some individuals, be it management or specific posties. But who is going to be held to account? Nobody, that's who. Meanwhile we are still waiting, and the situation is getting desparate for my business, and nobody at the d.o. can offer any explanation or even seems to give the slightest toss about the situation. I have been blatently lied to by the staff at Woodseats on two occasions when they said my mail was out for delivery. It's either bad individuals, or even worse, management policy at Woodseats to lie to customers. Either way, heads should roll, but they won't.


A letter of complaint (for what it's worth) has been sent to RM (I wonder if it will even get there?), and I will also be writing to Meg Munn MP in the hope that she can get some answers. I would strongly urge others in the S8 area to do the same. If by some miracle I get a reply from RM (which is doubtful given past experience), undoubtedly the words "exceptional circumstances" will be used as a cop out. I'm afraid that excuse passed its sell by date a week ago!


I absolutely share your frustration. Woodseeats should be held to account. Had problems last ear too with lost mail. Made several complaints after being blatantly lied to by them, but nothing happened! Finally got my Christmas presents for kids in January!! No post now since monday 29th dec. Trying to phone depot and constantly engaged. Going to complain again but it's pointless. Maybe we should go and protest like the students!!!!

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