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Naming and shaming

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i understand why sf dosent have a naming and shaming policy operating . what i would like to know from one of the mods ,is (A) regarding a poster not getting along with another poster one (allegedly) calls the other derogatory names/threating them etc and is promptly given a forum holiday.(B) do the mods have access to peoples pms on here to see what has actually being wrote seeing the evidence for themselves (if any)in warranting that poster to be banned? or © take it upon themselves to ban the other poster on the alleged evidence of a (ie spieful poster). can any mods verify answers to my questions please :thumbsup:

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Wait for it...contact the help desk...thread locked :D
why should this thread be locked ?these are genuine questions which need addressing not swept under the carpet so to speak. also if a answer is given people could be refered to this thread as a way to find out how accusations are dealt with
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why should this thread be locked ?these are genuine questions which need addressing not swept under the carpet so to speak. also if a answer is given people could be refered to this thread as a way to find out how accusations are dealt with

yeah but they ALWAYS say use the helpdesk with queries like this :P

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Forwarding something could easily be faked though.

There's no technical barrier to the mods having access to pms though.

so if what you say is true on what evidence (alleged)warrants a mod banning someone because of a spiteful posters made up allegation ?
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As an ex mod I can tell you that mods do not have access to peoples PMs (unless things have changed radically recently). As for the "name and shame" there was a strong ethos of private messages are private so posting the contents of a private message was a big no-no. More pragmatically mods don't have any way to check if the contents of a posted PM are accurate so any alleged naming and shaming could easilly just be abuse and rabble rousing.

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The moderating team cannot read any PM's that have been sent to another user Private Message means exactly that. If you have received abusive or threatening PM's then the only way that the moderating team has access to it is for it to be forwarded by the recipient. The proper way to deal with this problem is to refer it to the helpdesk.

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