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Loxley Chapel and burial ground

Iain Kelly

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I expect there wont be many people who realy care the Chapel has burned down, I am sure I am in the minority.

When you get old, you ponder on the real values, in your life, and what realy counts, its love, and the things you love, and love you back.

Material things , mostly, can be repaired, saved, treasured, and admired.

People cannot ! ! thay are lost for good, forever to this life.

Youth is wasted on the young, sadly, There seems to just be greed, revenge, must have, want, look at me, im better than you !

Wisdom comes with age, as I have found out, and what realy matters.

What I wouldn't give to sit in Loxley Chapel again,but this will never happen.:(:mad:

I don't expect may people will still be alive, in a few years who will even remember Loxley Chapel.

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I expect there wont be many people who realy care the Chapel has burned down, I am sure I am in the minority.

When you get old, you ponder on the real values, in your life, and what realy counts, its love, and the things you love, and love you back.

Material things , mostly, can be repaired, saved, treasured, and admired.

People cannot ! ! thay are lost for good, forever to this life.

Youth is wasted on the young, sadly, There seems to just be greed, revenge, must have, want, look at me, im better than you !

Wisdom comes with age, as I have found out, and what realy matters.

What I wouldn't give to sit in Loxley Chapel again,but this will never happen.:(:mad:

I don't expect may people will still be alive, in a few years who will even remember Loxley Chapel.

That is a situation that happens to many people , much loved buildings and areas get demolished in the name of progress ,some of those buildings would have been loved and used by thousands of people on a daily basis but it seems as though the few can influence the lives of the majority.


I have had a look at Loxley chapel and burial grounds in the last week and I am sorry as to its sad demise but in Sheffield the vandalism and destruction of so many well loved areas and buildings goes on and is still happening today.

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As stated in my much earlier posting, a local volunteer group (who tidied up The General Cemetery) were willing to have a look at Loxley Cemetery to see how much work needed doing. They quite rightly needed their expenses to be paid for. Where would the cash come from? I don't think the owners would be interested.

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I have done as you requested, I feel very passionate about this subject as well.

All the very best, I would hate for you to become a casualty as well ! !


---------- Post added 30-08-2016 at 15:09 ----------


Oh well, its the end of a long eara, whats done is done,i just hope some good may come out of this mess.

As I said before, in 10 years time, it will be almost forgotten, all those people who died, in the collapse of the Dale Dyke Dam will be remembered, because its history.

Lets hope some respect is shown for their graves, and all the other people, who are buried there, I do hope so !

My love to all the people I knew, at Loxley Chapel, may you have Father Gods love, eternaly.

Edited by mrsmontague
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I am not aware of any progress, regarding this issue.

I expect, it wont present into the public domain, until they have collated all the evidence.

If evidence is publicised too soon, it could jepardise the outcome of a prosecution.

People have been let of because of a loophole in the law.

It may never be revealed, if there is no concrete evidence.

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I wish ! sadly it wont happen ! It will be next weeks chip paper, and just thrown out with the trash, and no one will care, im afraid.

The only people who will care, are the relatives, and friends, of the souls who are buried in the graveyard.

I care because it was my first Spiritual home, and a happy playground as a child.

There is no going back from this, its done, in a way, its like a death, only of a building, not living flesh. The ruins are a graveyard, in itself.

I wonder if The Mail, are aware of the fire, they may wish to do a feature on the fire, as they did on the dereliction of the chapel, and it being left to rot !

You could get in contact with the paper, if you desire, and see what they say.

Im afraid, its all over bar the shouting, now.

Life is full of tragic events, at least no one was hurt, or even burned to death.

R.I.P. Loxley Chapel, Amen.

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