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Loxley Chapel and burial ground

Iain Kelly

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Thanks so much for your contact regarding Loxley Chapel.

I am devastated to hear such sad news, what a dreadful shame !

Such an irony, it burned down ! ! ! !

Well, its so sad whatever.

All my childhood memories, now gone, but not forgotten.

Sunday school, church anniversaries, Ian Rings induction, the lovely garden parties,

happy social gatherings, it makes me feel so deeply sad !

There will also, be a lot of sad people, in Heaven, who spent their whole life supporting, and running the church.

Is it real, or Memorex ! !

I remember with love, Emmalyne Crawford, and her Daughter, Betty Deakin.

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If the Hague family decide to build on the land, after demolition of the chapel, I wonder what they will build ?

There is a grave yard , very close, if they build houses, it may well put people of purchasing the houses, so close to the cemetery.

They may even build a new church, who knows, or do nothing at all !

Its a shame, that building has survived since the 17 hundreds.

I am sure a lot of people I know, and loved, are buried in that church yard.

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I have just watched a video on You Tube, inside the burned down Loxley Chapel.

It is so very sad that such a wonderful building, has come to a bitter end, like this !

I am lost for words, seeing the true reality of the devastation, all my memories, gone up in smoke, I loved that chapel, the minister, Mr Nichols, is buried in the churchyard, I remember him so well, I realy admired him.

I thought about going to view the chapel, as I don't live far away, but decided not to bother, it would upset me to much.

I hope they re use the bricks, and stone, to revive some of the building, in another place.

There are some wonderful arches, that could be re used, after being cleaned up.

It may well, all end up, as a pile of rubble, SAD !:mad:

Edited by mrsmontague
spelling error
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If the Hague family decide to build on the land, after demolition of the chapel, I wonder what they will build ?

There is a grave yard , very close, if they build houses, it may well put people of purchasing the houses, so close to the cemetery.



I didn't think they were allowed to build on consecrated ground.

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Well, there is such a thing as KAMA.

Reap what we sow !

There are powers, that will handle this matter, far better than we mere humans.

There are a lot of other people, who go to United Reformed Churches, or did and re located, who will be very sad also.

The U R C took over the Loxley Chapel, hence the induction of Rev Ian Ring.

No good will ever come of this, im sure, the devastation is horrible, and sad.

Just have to sit back, and wait, and watch the feathers fly,as I am sure, in time, they will.

I just hope no one gets hurt, walking in the ruins of the fire, that would be an additional horror story, I just hope they make the site safe, cos it isn't safe now.

Young children, are very curious, and may go there to explore ! !

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Well, there are probably dark forces at work, the burning down of a Chapel, that's been stood for hundreds of years, and has become an issue, because of its status and dereliction, are highly suspicious ?

As I said, there are Higher forces, that will deal with this matter, we are all answerable to what we do, in life, and reap the consiquences ultimately, and nothing is hidden.

The rich man and Heaven, camel, eye of the needle ?

I am only concerned about eternity, this life is only transient, and will end,as we all know, but eternity, is for eternity ! ! ! !


---------- Post added 29-08-2016 at 08:54 ----------


The ground was never consecrated, due to a dispute, over the location of a window, in the chapel, so that wont be an issue, only moral issues, that the Hague family wont care about, WHATSOEVER.:gag::gag::gag::gag::gag::gag:


---------- Post added 29-08-2016 at 08:58 ----------


Just a thought, I wonder if the building was insured for fire ?????????


---------- Post added 29-08-2016 at 17:28 ----------


I went to view Loxley Chapel today (Sunday ), as I ascended the driveway, I viewed the large lawn, situated to the left, behind the Manse, it brought back lots of childhood memories, of wonderful garden parties, playing games, and just having fun.

I could almost feel the atmosphere, and people in my minds eye.

I thought about the countless times, I had walked up that drive, and it was sad, it had gone forever.

There were large security gates, near the top, that were padlocked, hence no chance of even seeing the chapel, I respect, and understand, for health and safety reasons, it is necessary, the building must be very unstable, and a potential death trap.

My main concern, is no access to the graves, so how can people pay there respects to their loved ones ?

I just hope the ground will be cleared, so people can find graves, and that access will be restored very quickly, without having to scale walls, to get in !

Is a dreadful state of affairs, and I hope there will be some resolution found very soon, I expect they will demolish the building, in due course.

I suspect it will remain an empty space, for many years, we will have to see ?:confused:


---------- Post added 29-08-2016 at 17:40 ----------


There are no pockets in shrouds, and nowhere to spend your money, when you pass away, I am glad I am poor in wealth, but rich in The Spirit.

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