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Loxley Chapel and burial ground

Iain Kelly

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Its all now irrelevant, its no longer a place of worship, its just a pile of charred rubble, and it will never be a place of worship again.

THE HOLY SPIRIT is everywhere, and so of no consequence, its mans issue, not Almighty Gods issue.

I am sure there would have been tears in Heaven, when it was burning down, Heaven sees all things,and nothing can be hidden.

The matter of the land, is the business of the Hague family, and past pressures, have had no effect whatsoever, its changed nothing, its just made it easier for the Hagues.

They have no need to be concerned about the Chapel now.

All I can say is . . . . . . " Be still, and know that I AM God " Amen.

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Went again this afternoon having been given the exact location of our family grave. Were most disappointed to find that even this section of the grave yard was surrounded by barriers & could not be accessed. Are we going to be permanently unable to visit this plot which was paid for by our ancestors?

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If you read my thread last week, I visited the site, and put it wasn't accessable to get to the graves. Last Sunday.

I think some action should be taken, like telling Sheffield Star about this situation, or The Mail newspaper, they did an article on the building, a while ago.

Or maybe, get in contact with your local M.P. WHO MAY BE ABLE TO GET CLARIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP, of the land.


---------- Post added 02-09-2016 at 07:43 ----------


The ground is no longer consecrated, because the chapel hasn't been in use for several years, even more so, now its been burned down.

There are no legal restrictions as to how the land can be used, it can be used for any purpose, including being built on, I expect planning permission would have to be sought, but the consecration issue, is of no value, its all null and void, now.

According to records it was never consecrated ground anyway !

The chapel, will be relagated into the analls of history, end off.

Loxley Methodist Church, on Loxley Road, HAS BEEN SOLD, and has now been converted into a dwelling place.

I attended that church, until I was about 11 years old, and then was old enough to walk up to Loxley Chapel, that was a considerable distance away, when I was young !

I couldn't get there fast enough, I used to nearly run all the way !:love:

I loved that chapel.:roll:


---------- Post added 03-09-2016 at 12:39 ----------


I have just read that Sheffield ski village was set alight, on the same day as Loxley Chapel.

Not totally certain, its the truth, but that's what it said.

Its probably kids, of school, who are up to no good, cos they are bored !

I told a friend of mine about Loxley Chapel, and it actualy made me cry.

Why does everything good and wholesome have to be destroyed ?

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I'd be happy to join others for a day to try to try to tidy up the burial ground. I plan to visit to see for myself how big a job it would be! It's a while since I was last there - can anyone help me with detailed directions from Loxley Road (B6077) preferably form a nearby reference point like the Admiral Rodney.



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  • 1 month later...
I'd be happy to join others for a day to try to try to tidy up the burial ground. I plan to visit to see for myself how big a job it would be! It's a while since I was last there - can anyone help me with detailed directions from Loxley Road (B6077) preferably form a nearby reference point like the Admiral Rodney.





Hi there,


The upper burial grounds can be accessed via Long Lane, which if the Admiral Rodney is on your right, Long Lane is the steep hill that Loxley Nurseries is located on the corner of... The unmarked entrance to which is an old rusty gate to the left of a white gate, both of which are located on the left as you go up the hill and are roughly 200yards after the entrance to Loxley Nurseries, next to the pull in area which is 500yards or more before the entrance to the Driving Range on the same side of the road. From a vehicle driving up or down the road you wouldn't be able to see it, so unfortunately you would need to follow these directions and have a look over the wall to be sure your in the right place.


Once on the 'main access path' from Long Lane you can follow the path along the top of the upper burial grounds, it then turns left down the hill and upon reaching the old wooden divide on your right the path continues to the right and then turns left down a winding path that brings you down between some of the lower burial grounds, you'll then find yourself facing what was the entrance to the old chapel, with the remaining burial grounds to your left and right, as well as in front of you to the left of the old chapel (between the existing house's garden and the chapel itself).


Hope this helps.


---------- Post added 23-11-2016 at 00:56 ----------


Went again this afternoon having been given the exact location of our family grave. Were most disappointed to find that even this section of the grave yard was surrounded by barriers & could not be accessed. Are we going to be permanently unable to visit this plot which was paid for by our ancestors?



Hi Gregnig,


Just in case you aren't aware of the upper burial grounds entrance on Long Lane (which can be used to access the lower burial grounds & the old chapel) please see our earlier post.


This entrance may also have been fenced off since the fire (we haven't been since the fire) but over the years we've found that many people aren't aware that the Long Lane entrance exists.


Hope this helps.


p.s. If you, like the lady from Scotland who recently featured in a Sheffield Star article, know where your plot is and that it has been accessible in the last two years please private message us as we may be able to assist you to lay flowers at you friends & family's plot(s), however as we're sure you can appreciate we can't make any promises, but we will endeavour to assist wherever possible.


We would be most keen to assist the lady from Scotland in ensuring that flowers are placed on her family plot on her behalf, therefore if anyone has any contact details for her please ask her to contact us.


Additionally, if anyone wants to contact the Star or The Mail and ask them to contact us we have many documents that they may be interested in, including planning documents, English heritage documents and correspondence with many different organisations including local MP Nick Clegg as recent as 2015, who made promises in writing and then lost his nerve and ceased all communications.


Lastly, if anyone has access to 'links' or copies of the newspaper articles, recent or not, we would be most interested in obtaining copies of these articles for our files, so again please get in touch.


Thank you

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Interested to read this thread -I was brought up goi to this chapel with my grandmother and can remember the celebrations at one of the church anniversaries. my Gran was so sad when it closed as it had been a big part of her whole life, we have several relatives in the church yard and my Gran was due to be buried in there with her parents but just before she died asked to be buried at wisewood due to the condition of the cemetery.

I drive that way to work each morning and have noticed that sign for a builders has appeared on the wall at the bottom of the driveway and on Friday evening the whole churc (or at least what is left of it) seemed to be lit up?

I know of one of the councillors on the parish council and she was meant to be talking about access to the graves but all has gone quiet on that front. I'd be interested to know if anyone has heard anything?

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