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Well Preserved Mature People

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When you meet people for the first time or have been interviewed either for a job or in a market survey and they have asked your age, have they been surprised that you are older than they would have thought you to be ?

Whenever I have had cause to divulge my age to anyone who does not know me, they think I am fibbing and winding them up - on my insistance that I am the age I say I am they usually say something like ' You dont Look it ' or ' Your well preserved for your age '


As an example: Look at Cliff Richard......70 years old who would believe it ?

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When you meet people for the first time or have been interviewed either for a job or in a market survey and they have asked your age, have they been surprised that you are older than they would have thought you to be ?

Whenever I have had cause to divulge my age to anyone who does not know me, they think I am fibbing and winding them up - on my insistance that I am the age I say I am they usually say something like ' You dont Look it ' or ' Your well preserved for your age '


As an example: Look at Cliff Richard......70 years old who would believe it ?


People always think I'm younger...


And as for Cliff Richard, erm, he looks about 90.

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People always think I'm younger...


And as for Cliff Richard, erm, he looks about 90.


Rubbish................... yeah he looks that old that his calender's are selling faster than those of anyone else.

Bet your hubby hopes to look and be as fit as Cliff at 70 !

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When my OH first introduced me to his family their reaction was "She's a little bit young for you, isn't she?" They thought I was in my mid 30's rather than my mid 40's. I just hope the years don't catch up with me but I'm not going to hold my breath. I'm going to get old.....its happening every minute.

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yep, im 29 but can still get away with telling those annoying salespeople in service stations that i am under 21 :)


i always get asked for ID, but tbh i know i look like a 16 year old so cant complain.

also used to get customers who didnt believe i was the manager at work until we got new name badges that actually had your 'rank' on them

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Rubbish................... yeah he looks that old that his calender's are selling faster than those of anyone else.

Bet your hubby hopes to look and be as fit as Cliff at 70 !


Hubby? Lol I'm 21, and not looking towards marriage anytime soon! :hihi:


Oh, and Cliff Richards neck looks like a turkey tbh. And look at all the surgery and botox he's had... I hate that, and I think it makes people look even older than they actually are... Their hands always look awful too.

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Hubby? Lol I'm 21, and not looking towards marriage anytime soon! :hihi:


Oh, and Cliff Richards neck looks like a turkey tbh. And look at all the surgery and botox he's had... I hate that, and I think it makes people look even older than they actually are... Their hands always look awful too.


Ooh.........I see now why you make silly comments about Cliff Richard and how old he looks,

being only 21 years of age your still a chav and tend to only look upon people in your own age group as being worth anything to look at.........wait until you are 70 if your generation manages to reach that age and see if your neck resembles a turkey and your hands look old.

Memories of Cliff Richard will still be going strong when all the boy bands have long disappeared !

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Ooh.........I see now why you make silly comments about Cliff Richard and how old he looks,

being only 21 years of age your still a chav and tend to only look upon people in your own age group as being worth anything to look at.........wait until you are 70 if your generation manages to reach that age and see if your neck resembles a turkey and your hands look old.

Memories of Cliff Richard will still be going strong when all the boy bands have long disappeared !


Well to start, I'm anything but a chav :hihi:




THAT does not look good for ITS age.


I'm sorry, but having that much botox makes people look older... Now if you can point someone out who hasn't had botox or surgery, I will give an honest opinion.


And I definitely don't like boy bands :hihi:


You just showed your age hon :D

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