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Sykes family fishponds area 1940-50s


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Looking for anyone knowing,or who is belonging to the Sykes family in the fishponds area 1940-1950s. one of the sons, a young boy was killed when climbing on a drain cleaning truck, any information would be helpfull


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Hi Jackey,

I do not know this area well, but they lived in a council house on Fishponds, in the 1940s I can remember at the end of the road was the pond, and I think maybe a church nearby,

Thank you for your reply


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi eros i lived at the bottom of woodthorpe close 1935 -1959 went to standhouse school my freind was killed outside standhouse school with a drian cleaning truck in the early 40s

but his name was EDWARD HOPSON I WAS THERE. He lived at the bottom of queenmary rd near woodthorpe close.

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Hi Roy,

Thank you very much for your most informative post, you have answerd a few questions for me. Edward was my cousin, and now i know was on my grandmothers side (Hopson), but I thought was on my dads side (Sykes) this as helped me a lot,as I am trying to put together a family tree on my dads side.I was at the funeral of Edward,and have always been lead to believe that he was playing nearby with some other boys, and a truck nearby was cleaning out the grates in the road, unknown to the driver Edward climed on the truck, and I think it was said that his shoelace got fast in some moving part, pulling him under the truck. I think it was the mid 40s some time and i was only around 10 at the time, could I ask you if you remember anything about the family, I think his father was called Edward, but that is as much as i can remember,

Thank you for your help


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Hi Eros, edward was a close freind of mine. He use to stay to school dinners i use to go home for dinner.When i got back to school to find edward he was lieing in the gutter with a blacket over him,the cleaning truck had a step on the back i was told edward was standing on the step & the truck reversed & ran over edward,His mam never really got over it she seem to distance her self from everyone.it must be almost 70 years ago now & iwill never for get that day.

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