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VERY aggressive delivery man!!

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hi why do people allways name the company. is all you doin is make that buisness lose money and then the company make cut backs and people lose there jobs. why name them on forums? if you wright to the company they will deal with the problem for you. 99% people complain tryin to get something for nowt. one day you will complain and if a person lose there job that person will switch on you he will have nothin to lose. it makes me really mad when you start namein companys do not understand. the driver needs dealin with but there are proper channels not on forums. we all make human errors.


People who don't get the service they pay should name companies for poor customer service, he might have done that to every customer that day.. if he is being paid to represent the company then its tough doody if he was reported due to his crappy attitude.

Companies love reading glowing reports about themselves on the net, why shouldn't customers name & shame bad service on the flip side, I'd want to know if there was a chance my item was going to arrive smashed as it was thrown down!!..........

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right so you have your own buissnes you have workt hard to get it. you employ some 1 who as a bad day or makes a mistake the next min your company is all over forums just because of this employer. that to me makes no sense. a small company might have remogage there house or used there live saveings to get it up and runnin and by employe some body who as made a mistake cost them everything. now if you phoned or writ them a letter they could give warnings or if bad get rid of the staff but to name and shame i do not agree.


id quit if i was you, your not doing yourself any favours, by the way they are not a small company so dont play that one, they



* Handle over 110 million parcel deliveries and collections annually

* Has over 7,500 local couriers, efficiently providing a friendly and flexible service to their neighbourhood up to six days per week

* Employs over 1,600 people across the country to support the network


from their website

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hi why do people allways name the company. is all you doin is make that buisness lose money and then the company make cut backs and people lose there jobs. why name them on forums? if you wright to the company they will deal with the problem for you. 99% people complain tryin to get something for nowt. one day you will complain and if a person lose there job that person will switch on you he will have nothin to lose. it makes me really mad when you start namein companys do not understand. the driver needs dealin with but there are proper channels not on forums. we all make human errors.


what do you mean that person will switch on me!!! you mean come here and have a go....

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There we were, all 3 kids and myself, ill in pj`s, there was a loud knocking at the door and through the glass panel I could see a man, I shouted "who is it" I never open the door to strangers, then a large box slammed against the panel, so loudly I screamed and he started shouting/yelling I looked out the window and he threw the box, which I could see was my new candlearbra, on the drive, I flung the door open and said what are you doing he said I am not standing here answering questions to you in this cold, you should have opened the door, I said I came as quickly as I could, and I wouldnt open the door till I knew who was there, he was very abusive so I said right I am reporting you to the company, he got in a grey car drove off and then and pulled up and wound the window down and hurled more abuse at me, standing there in my pj`s! so I did phone the company, who use <removed> delivery. what do you make of that, having a bad day??? or had he done this before........


Well to be honest the first thing that went through my mind was, if she is posh enough to buy a candlearbra how come she has'nt got a two way door intercom with video facility to see who's at the door. Would save a lot of trouble.


But at the end of the day there is no excuse for bad manners customer satisfaction should be number 1 priority.

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