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Does anyone know reasonable Car insurance Company for my 18 year old

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Why do you assume that these are assumptions on an insurance companies behalf? These folks are in business and base premiums on experience of the risks posed by certain classes of driver.


Arguing semantics? Assumption, generalisation, categorisation, classes - call it what you will. Being in one of these categories gives me higher premiums than those in another category, through no fault of my own.

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Arguing semantics? Assumption, generalisation, categorisation, classes - call it what you will. Being in one of these categories gives me higher premiums than those in another category, through no fault of my own.


Well so does being young, being a rock star or having a heart condition. Insurance companies are businesses not charities.

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You obviously didn't bother reading the whole of my first post, or you'd have noticed the bit where I said I know they have to do it that way. So I won't bother saying any more, because clearly all you want to do is argue.

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Car Insurance is a joke, mine went up because of all the claims (made by others - not me) due to the icy conditions at the start of 2010.


I didn't claim so why did I have to pay.


I also have to pay extra because of all the uninsured drivers.


Its getting to the point where I'm considering "why should I pay for insurance?" after all I not claimed ever and I been driving for 18 years.


If I was an 18 year old, I would drive without insurance due to the cost. £3000 to insure a small car? thats downright offensive.


Insurance is based in what kids do for work? perhaps these working kids should do what so many others do - not bother working, live of everyone elses taxes .

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I am trying to get car insurance for my son, he is 18 years old any one out there know of any companys that are reasonable or have just insured there first car.





You don't say what make/model the car is. You might find that there is an owners club for your sons make which may help towards lowering the cost. Also he might find that if he doesn't already have a car then buying a really old car ie pre 1972 will allow him to insure it through a classic cars broker who will assume that he is going to take great care of it and calculate the premium accordingly.

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My 18yr old daughter just got a 1200cc Clio insured today with Admiral for £1480 (no NCB) despite an admitted at fault accident albeit under my insurance as a named driver. It seems that I'm the only one who is going to suffer the consequences of putting her on my insurance for 3 weeks whilst we looked for a car for her :mad:

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