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Brown attempted to plead Gary McKinnon's case

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In a bid to get Gary McKinnon to be able to serve his sentence in the UK, Gordon Brown attempted to strike a deal with the American ambassador which was rebuffed by the Obama administration.


Personally, I'm amazed that Brown did this and I'll admit that this is the only thing he has done which has ever made me think of him in a positive light. There is no way that Gary McKinnon should be extradited to the US and shame on the government that does.


I like Americans as a people but by Christ their foreign policy leaves a bit to be desired.


Full story here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/30/wikileaks-cables-gary-mckinnon-gordon-brown


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Personally, I'm amazed that Brown did this and I'll admit that this is the only thing he has done which has ever made me think of him in a positive light. There is no way that Gary McKinnon should be extradited to the US and shame on the government that does.


I like Americans as a people but by Christ their foreign policy leaves a bit to be desired.

FINALLY we agree on something lol

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In a bid to get Gary McKinnon to be able to serve his sentence in the UK, Gordon Brown attempted to strike a deal with the American ambassador which was rebuffed by the Obama administration.


Personally, I'm amazed that Brown did this and I'll admit that this is the only thing he has done which has ever made me think of him in a positive light. There is no way that Gary McKinnon should be extradited to the US and shame on the government that does.


I agree wholeheartedly. Some people could end up improving their standing as this round of wikileaks ooze out. Brown has certainly gone up in my estimation.

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And if it had been made public which of our newspapers would have published the story? Even The Guardian turned against him in the later months.


It didn't have to be published in a paper. 10 Downing Street does have a web site you know. And the Labour party machine would have done their bit to do the opposite of "burying bad news". That's if he had any support left at the time.

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