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Gas Price Increases..

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I read at the weekend that since 2005 our gas bills have risen by 50%, in this time the price of wholesale gas has risen only marginally and has now dropped back to the same rate as it was in 2005.


We are being held to ransom by these parasites who are basically racketeering with an essential service.


Thatcher should be condemned for allowing the utilities into private hands.


If the elderly dare not heat their homes in winter in a so called civilised modern society then something is drastically wrong.


The CEO's of these companies should be tried for manslaughter if any deaths occur as a direct result of their actions.



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I could not agree more, until the men in power actually do something for the people they are supposed to be serving, then these white collar highwaymen will carry on ripping off the very people that they are supposed to be providing a reasonable service to. It beggars belief that they know that they are blatantly robbing us , but they have absolutely no conscience whatsoever.But of course if they were suddenly deprived of their lottery winning bonus levels then maybe , just maybe they may stop putting self before common decency and act fairly. But then it took Scrooge some time to see the light did it not.:mad:

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Hooray for the free market. One arm of it collapses the world economy, and when millions of people loose their jobs or face pay freezes as a result, another branch of it pushes their profits on essential services to unprecedented levels.


Meanwhile the government cries crocodile tears and talks about belated but innefectual measures to control the runaway profiteering. After all they wouldn't want to upset their chums. Three cheers for privatisation. Mega-bonuses all round!

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I believe that many other European nations utilities are state owned and kept at reasonable levels.


We should be ashamed that our pensioners are treated in this way.


I notice also that OFGEM are looking into this, I wont hold my breath for any positive happening.

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I believe that many other European nations utilities are state owned and kept at reasonable levels.


We should be ashamed that our pensioners are treated in this way.


I notice also that OFGEM are looking into this, I wont hold my breath for any positive happening.


ofgem has about as much clout in this as the man in the street does. If the utlities tell them to take a jump, they just say how high.

Agree with the previous poster, it should all be put on the shoulders of Thatcher and her greed is good policies

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Hooray for the free market. One arm of it collapses the world economy, and when millions of people loose their jobs or face pay freezes as a result, another branch of it pushes their profits on essential services to unprecedented levels.


Meanwhile the government cries crocodile tears and talks about belated but innefectual measures to control the runaway profiteering. After all they wouldn't want to upset their chums. Three cheers for privatisation. Mega-bonuses all round!


Couldn't agree more.

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I believe that many other European nations utilities are state owned and kept at reasonable levels.


We should be ashamed that our pensioners are treated in this way.


I notice also that OFGEM are looking into this, I wont hold my breath for any positive happening.


France for sure. EDF operate in the UK so they can make large profits. Their french customers do not pay anywhere near as much as we do.

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There are those who will tell you that it is far better for businesses to be owned by private companies than by the state


It isn't the fault of the private companies that they are able to exploit their positions of power, it is the fault of the Government which privatised them which didn't put in place sufficient protections, and successive Governments which allowed them to be sold to overseas companies


I think it was Harold MacMillan who accused the Government of the day of selling off the family silver - a massive understatement if ever I heard one


And people complain about Gordon Brown selling a bit of gold

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