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Say i'm a protester taking part of a protest, then some other protesters break the law, is it right for the Police to treat me as a possible suspect and treat me as such?




P.S. News 24 has just reported the latest protest (even though agreed with the Police to start at 1pm) set off at 11.45am and are now charging (running) down Whitehall!

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Guilt by association, my friend.

Howver you wouldn't be charged of the same crime - but could be charged with loads of other stuff

Aiding and abetting, breach of the peace,obstucting police enquiries etc etc In fact anything else they could think of.

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Black people have been going through this sort of thing for years.


I'm going slightly off topic here... Even though in a fairly general sense I totally agree! Even though times have changed to some degree (at least in areas).


I've been with or within hearing / seeing distance of incidents concerning black people and the Police. I have seen black people who have answered and treat the Police with the same respect I would in the same circumstances and have walked away with the same level of situation.


Whereas i've also cringed when others have said something and knew what would happen next, whether they were black or white. It makes me think of those who say "I didn't start it", and I just want to say "But you didn't stop it!".

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Say i'm a protester taking part of a protest, then some other protesters break the law, is it right for the Police to treat me as a possible suspect and treat me as such?




It isn't right, but it's often what happens


The democratic right of the majority to peaceful protest goes out of the window (or quite often through the nearest window) when the stupid minority get carried away

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So, the Police were right to kettle in all the protesters last time?


Not in my opinion, which is why I said it isn't right but is often what happens


I don't agree with the policy, but I'm not sure what the police's realistic alternatives are though if a mob is hell bent on violence and vandalism and their co-protesters are unable or unwilling to stop them

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